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Re: What's cooking at your house this January?

This is the time of the year when I like to make soups. Beef vegetable, clam chowder, oxtail, chicken, etc. I think of soups as comfort food.

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Re: What's cooking at your house this January?

Hi Guys, well the snow has stopped till Saturday, then the deep freeze.

Nomar Thanx for info on the pork roast I will try it soon as I have a small one in the freezer

Winifred Sorry I didn't mean to tell you how to handle Stripes, as I've said I don't know cats, you know him well, so I trust your instincts, & I know you're concerned, could he have had a bad experience on his travels & is frightened? I hope not but you never know, hope all turns out well

Take Care

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Re: What's cooking at your house this January?

Okay everyone .... grab blankets and cuddle in. Put some outside for those hard headed little varmints (Stripes) that won't come in when they know they should. Looks like it's going to be cold for a while. Hoping everyone stays safe and warm.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What's cooking at your house this January?

Predsfan - i LOVE all those quilts and blankets. I agree, everyone stay warm. Hate to say this but it was almost 80 here today - this is NOT our norm but I sure loved it today.

Spix, if I knew what Stripes was up to it would be easy. He has me so concerned about his welfare - for example I walked out to the carport about an hour ago and there he was munching on his food on top of the dryer - he took one look at me and took off running. Normally - but not too much lately - he will just sit there, eat, or roll and I pick him up and there is nothing to it. You could be right and that has bothered me that someone has bothered him. He must have been hungry as he has not been eating his outside food. You NEVER own a cat - never, never, never. Dogs you can own but not a cat. I just cannot stay up most of the night to keep looking for him - that is my concern, as I am not sleeping - too old for this. I debated on making him an inside cat when we rescued him but the Vet said absolutely not so I didn't. And there are times when he is inside he goes bananas until I let him out although usually he just goes to sleep - but there are times. He is so very gentle but some things he just does not handle well. He was very mistreated as a young cat by the people who said he was theirs - he was thrown, etc. Then STripes moved to my house and I did go over and talk to the people - basically told them they had best take care of the cat or let me do it - Stripes became my cat then and there. When I had him neutered he tore up my front porch as I had to keep him inside for a week or so. Fixed him a great bed, litter box, water, food, etc but he wanted outside - no way until he healed.

Looks like I may have some more of those black eyed peas again tomorrow - I sure made a lot - rest goes into the freezer for sure.

Tomorrow is suppose to be another warm day with the temps dropping a bit over the weekend. We are in dire need of rain however - really dry out here

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Re: What's cooking at your house this January?

Winifred, please enjoy that weather for the rest of us. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin} Wind chill 5 this morning. Others have it worse, but dang, it's cold.

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: What's cooking at your house this January?

Good Morning!

Predsfan, I could certainly use one of those quilts to snuggle up with.

It's a very fridged -13°F here this morning. We ended up with more snow throughout the day yesterday. People were advised to stay off the roads if at all possible. My DH already decided to work from home again. The dog loves this kind of weather. He'll run and romp around, getting his face all snowy, and then just plop himself down in the snow on purpose. I think with his double coat he doesn't feel cold. Contrast that to us having a fire going in the fireplace and he starts panting because he feels too hot.

Since DH is home, I feel like making something good (but bad) for breakfast. He's so conscientious about what he eats - much more determination and restraint than me. We've been cheating during the last few weeks and now it's time to get serious again....but after breakfast...{}

Enjoy your day, everyone!

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Re: What's cooking at your house this January?


Love reading your posts, gals. I look forward to seeing you each morning. Predsfan, don't know where you get your pictures but they are great. Had a big laugh at the cat this morning.

I hate to mention what we did yesterday in the face of all the cold weather you are all having. But, here goes, we went to the beach just to sit awhile and enjoy the ocean. Then some shopping for me. Bought some simple t-shirts and a light weight sweatshirt. And I bought 2 wooden cranes that make me smile.

Lunch was at a Cuban restaurant, a little hole in the wall. But the pulled pork sandwich is wonder. It was featured on "Diners and Dives" 2 years ago. Nelson enjoys the Cuban root beer.

Dinner out with friends at a local pizza place. I had a Caprese (?)salad which was so good and a 2 meatballs. Tonight, I cook, and we stay home. Have boneless pork chops to fix.

Stay warm and stay inside if possible.

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: What's cooking at your house this January?

Soushi, I would so love a cuban sandwich on the beach right now. "sigh" My DD and SIL are in the Keys this week and the pictures she is posting are killing me. Payback will be rough for her when they come back Saturday. Our temps.are dropping even more on Sunday. She won't be happy. LOL

I'm thinking of stew, BBQ, and chili for the weekend. Good comfort food for the week.

JLF ... Glad your DH is staying home to work. Not good to get out in that kind of weather.

For those in warmer areas, please enjoy it for us. {#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Posts: 975
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's cooking at your house this January?

Morning all,

I was an early riser this morning. Seems my bed partner had a snoring problem. So, I was up early, had my coffee and read the paper. Nice really to be the only one up. See the sunrise.

My home town is expecting 6-12 inches of snow with wind chill of -45. I hate to even call home. Feel so bad for them. This is brutal.

We are heading for a big flea market in Tampa today. Always enjoy wandering around seeing all the offerings. Will buy tomatoes for sure and strawberries too.

Last night, I lightly breaded boneless pork chops, browned them, the covered the pan to steam. Made a vegetable dish with fresh broccoli and cauliflower covered with cheese. Also made gravy from drippings for DH.

Good to see all the posts. Brewhaha, we haven't heard from you in awhile. Please come often. and SundayRiley too.

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Posts: 26,549
Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: What's cooking at your house this January?

Enjoy the flea market. Don't buy too much. LOL

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."