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What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

WEll my goodness, I noticed some real early birds already. Please come on over here around the May Pole and we will see what';s cooking now.


April really flew by - have no clue where it went so fast.


Have not thought of one single thing to fix for dinner but whatever it is, have a hunch it will be in the slow cooker.


Welcome to May everyone!

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!


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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

Thanx @Winifred for the start, our weather here certainly doesn't seem like May, rain for over a week, hopefully things will get better


Don't know about dinner tonite, it's just me so something fast/easy, will have to check out the leftovers from dinner out last nite


Hope all are doing well & chime in when you can


Sushi wishing you better days to come

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

[ Edited ]

Last night, dinner was fried chicken, stuffed eggs, pickles, and thinlysliced brussell sprouts sauted with shallots, pancetta, extra virgin olive oil and salt and pepper until browned and limp, the first time I made them this way and they were yummy.

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

Sounds really good to me
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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

well right now the wife maria has in the oven a deep dish bacon and artichoke pizza. and tomorrow shes doing pulled pork in the crock. yum

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

Sounds good Pookie1. Love your name - eons ago we called the middle grand Pookie - cannot remember now why. Love it.


Fixed a veggie dinner and it was good: warmed up collards - love those things, mashed taters and mixed corn, peas and carrots. We ate healthy you might say.


Not too bad a day except I had very little time to call my own - so what else is new. Still getting things done but Ricky is playing outside with his grandma and friend, little one is asleep - for now that is and Davey has his head into the cell phone. Decided it was a good idea to take a few because any minute, things can blow up. LOL.


Hope all had a great day.

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Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Registered: ‎12-17-2012

Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Posts: 4,191
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: What's Cooking in May - it got here really fast!!

Last night fixed burgers and had kale and the rest of the mashed potatoes. Strange go withs but better than tossing food - rather eat and use it. Healthy meal for sure. Interesting however as we were coming and going so did not get a chance to sit down and eat together. Do not like it when we cannot do that - not good for the kids either.


Ricky was kind of "bratty" yesterday. Hate to use that word but cannot come up with a better one. Do not know why but he was so not his sweet self. He sure is sleeping  good however. He did not eat well either. Little ones have their days just like we older ones do for sure.


Tonight for dinner? As usual, way too early to even think much about it.


Hope one and all have a good day!