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Re: What do you fix for Thanksgiving when there are only two of you?

Cornish game hens, wild rice, veggies and a decadent dessert.
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Re: What do you fix for Thanksgiving when there are only two of you?

On 11/19/2014 kittymomNC said:

I cook the same for two as I would for 10 - I just don't make as much. Turkey and dressing, a potato dish, gravy, a couple of veggie dishes, deviled eggs, rolls, then either sweet potato casserole or pumpkin pie for dessert. We love this kind of meal, and also love leftovers, which is one of the main reasons I cook it. I can freeze a lot of the turkey to use later, make a turkey casserole (or two small ones and freeze one of those), turkey salad (which actually can be frozen as well), all kinds of things to do with leftovers. You don't have to have "Thanksgiving dinner" every day for a week. The only thing that's gone in a hurry is the dessert! {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

This is probably super-lame, but one of my favorite leftover things is a really basic turkey sandwich - whole grain bread, put butter on both slices (not heavily) and then just the turkey. So good! Smiley Happy

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Re: What do you fix for Thanksgiving when there are only two of you?

Yes, nothing beats an old-fashioned turkey sandwich. Though mine must have mayonnaise and French's mustard. Smiley Happy

Cooking for two I would make a boneless turkey breast ahead of time and then put it out cold in early afternoon with an array of condiments, cheeses, olives & pickles & relishes, crackers and breads, raw veggies and dip, some decadent potato chips (those exotic kettle varieties) for crunch, deviled eggs etc. and just have a pleasant afternoon of snacking on turkey sandwiches (make some bacon strips to turn them into club sandwiches if desired) and other treats. Maybe even toss in some baked potatoes to be eaten with some of the above items as toppings.

Football or holiday movies -- what more could be asked? And cleanup a snap -- just Saran Wrap the plates and continue to nosh throughout the weekend.

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Re: What do you fix for Thanksgiving when there are only two of you?

Enjoy the traditional turkey and dressing but instead do a small turkey breast with gravy and cornbread dressing ..........scalloped potatoes ................roasted broccoli. salad.........cranberry orange salad............Homemade apple cobbler...........enough for leftovers the next day or so...........freeze any turkey leftover to use in soups. .......usually only do dressing once a year. Have tried to dine out but it has been too hectic...........have a late breakfast ........snack during the day while watching the parades and football ........... and try to dine about 4 p.m. ...........prep much of the food the day before ........
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Re: What do you fix for Thanksgiving when there are only two of you?

My favorite meal and love the leftovers for two!
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Re: What do you fix for Thanksgiving when there are only two of you?

On 11/19/2014 GoodStuff said:

Restaurant reservations! We've done this for the past few Thanksgiving dinners, and it absolutely ROCKS! No cooking, no clean-up, and you don't necessarily have to have the traditional turkey dinner if you'd prefer steak, shrimp, or lamb chops. Highly recommend this approach.

After the kids got to be older teens, we always went out for T day dinner! Always good and many food choices to eat! But the only thing I missed were the leftovers - turkey sandwich etc!!!

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Re: What do you fix for Thanksgiving when there are only two of you?

Whatever you want? Your very favorite thing?

My friends and I go out to eat because none of us have family here and we don't want to spend airfare to travel for just a few days when we can visit family for Christmas, instead. We tried doing a Thanksgiving dinner, but there are so few of us and there were just crazy amounts of leftovers.

My mom and dad often go out with my sister and my aunt and uncle. Other times my mom makes a turkey breast.

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Re: What do you fix for Thanksgiving when there are only two of you?

I do the same as I used to do for a crowd, except my dh talked me into doing a turkey breast instead of the whole turkey. Just make the same dishes, but smaller amounts.

Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea-Robert A. Heinlein
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Re: What do you fix for Thanksgiving when there are only two of you?

My hubby and I are having lobster this year! Just fix something that the two of you really love and enjoy. I have done a turkey breast before with the traditional sides and just cut everything down and that was good too. We really enjoy having something different though as we host our family for Christmas Eve and we do turkey and ham for that with all the sides so it is nice not to do it just a few weeks apart.

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Re: What do you fix for Thanksgiving when there are only two of you?

Traditional turkey dinner but this year 12# turkey instead of 20# at dh insistence. I love leftovers and turkey sandwiches on white with mayo Smiley Happy