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Re: What Vegetables Can You Just Not Stand To Eat?

I can't tell you how many times people tell me i just "have" to try artichoke dip- I have never tried artichokes on their own, but people are pretty convinced I will love their artichoke dip ( sorry - not a fan).

Zucchini is a vegetable I don't hate, but would not miss at all if I never had it again.

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Re: What Vegetables Can You Just Not Stand To Eat?

like betteb, any kind of 'greens' and especially spinach.

other than that, i pretty much love any kind of veggie.

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Re: What Vegetables Can You Just Not Stand To Eat?

I echo the brussel sprout dislike. EWWWW! I would also add most all greens except spinach. I've tried kale and swiss chard because I know they are good for me, but had trouble choking them down. And okra, just no way. Beets, well, not if I have a choice.

I love most all fall root veggies - turnips, parsnips, rutabagas roasted with sweet potatoes, sprinkled with just a hint of cinnamon. YUM!

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Re: What Vegetables Can You Just Not Stand To Eat?

On 10/21/2014 jetts_mom said:

I can honestly say I've never met a vegetable that I didn't like.

Me too!

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Re: What Vegetables Can You Just Not Stand To Eat?

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Re: What Vegetables Can You Just Not Stand To Eat?

The 2 veggies I hate the most are brussel sprouts & lima beans.

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Re: What Vegetables Can You Just Not Stand To Eat?

lima beans - they make me gag

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Re: What Vegetables Can You Just Not Stand To Eat?

I love all veggies except beets. Taste like dirt to me.

Brussel sprouts....yummmm.....I could make a meal out of that.

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Re: What Vegetables Can You Just Not Stand To Eat?

Another vote for okra and Lima beans. Love vegetables roasted with olive oil! Also, I like that earthy/dirt taste in root vegetables.
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Re: What Vegetables Can You Just Not Stand To Eat?

On 10/21/2014 GinzTonic said: Celery, can't get past the stringy ness.

Oh yeah, celery is top of my hate list. It's not the texture, for me, it's the taste. I do not have the celery gene. I absolutely loathe celery.

I don't like the texture of okra (it's snotty) or the taste of green bell peppers.

Everything else is OK by me, including Brussels sprouts, asparagus and artichokes.