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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

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Hated pea salad the way my mother made it. OMG is was goopy and mushy. She may have made it w/ canned green peas. (Heave worthy). I can eat pea salad now if someone who knows how to prepare food makes it.


Beet salad. NO, NO, NO. To this day I will not eat beets. And if it comes on a plate, even as a garnish on salad, I act like the Royal Queen and wave my hand and declare "take this away"! Harrumph. 


As many of you said ... anything with jello and vegetables I would not eat. Still not something I plan to eat. 


Had aspic once .... can't imagine anyone I know ever serving it ... but if they did, I would not partake.


My mother made tuna salad mixed w/ hardboiled eggs. That's the way to ruin both egg salad and tuna salad. Mind you, this disgusting combination was put in my lunch box between two slices of cheap white bread & sat at room temperature for hours. I probably would have died if I ate it ... but it got tossed. No ONE would trade for that mess. I was an adult before I ever ate tuna fish or egg salad.


4 bean salad. A favorite of the grandparents. Nope, nope and still nope to this day.


My mother's coleslaw. I was probably 50 years old before I ever tried fresh made slaw. When it's not slimy w/ dressing I like it and even make it for hubby on fish night. 


Why yes, yes I was a picky eater as a child. It could be because my mother was a horrible cook or perhaps I was just one of those kids who don't like anything. I was glad my two boys would eat most anything put in front of them. (They never had to eat any of the salads above). Smiley Happy

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

@CatsyCline   I think it could have been what a lot of you guys call Ambrosia, but I know that name for another culinary abomination.  There is a "dessert" out there with pineapple chunks and mini marshmallows and I think whipped cream.  I have heard people refer to it as Ambrosia, but also Pineapple Fluff or "Better Than Ice Cream".  Decency requires that I not say what name I have for it.  I think that whoever named it "Better Than Ice Cream" needed some type of psychiatric counseling.

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

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I consistently avoided my Mom's Waldorf Salad, which she always made with Miracle Whip instead of mayo.  I think it was the sweetness of apples and raisins and Miracle Whip that turned me off--FOREVER!


While getting to know my future husband, I was horrified by two things.........his love for Waldorf Salad and raisins in general, plus the fact that his mother (who died when he was only 9) had been featured in the Atlanta newspaper as "one of the best cooks in Georgia."


That's two things he won't experience in our home today.

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

any, and all of them.

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

Carrot and raisin salad in the school cafeteria.Woman Tongue

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

@Kachina624  OMG - that stuff was horrible! My mom made tomatoe (don't know if there is another type but eck) aspic and she loved it. My brother & I would not touch it. We did eat the jello type salads they were ok. Of course all types of lettuce salads were good.

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

And even to this day - anything with Cool Whip in it or anything with mayonnaise or eggs, or sour cream, crema, creme fraiche, or yogurt in it.   *shudder*

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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

I don't mind Jello with fruit or whipped cream but couldn't stand those jello salads with cottage cheese or I've seen one with long shreds of carrots in it.  I'm not fond of any type of bean salad or pea salad either.  I wouldn't eat these as a child and I don't eat them now.

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

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For me it was never a particular salad I disliked, it was the addition of chopped eggs or the heavy handed use of mayo by women in my family who cooked by repeating the ways of their mothers.   I was in high school before my mother started cooking to our specific tastes.


To this day I don't eat egg salad, don't add eggs to potato salad or any meat salad, and use only enough mayo to bind ingredients.  


That green jello salad is a huge favorite of ours, but we use mayo and cream cheese instead of cottage cheese.   We never have a holiday meal without this salad.


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Re: What Is A Salad You Didn't Like As A Child?

781Florist.......I love, love ,love ambrosia....sour cream and grapes and the things you mentioned,and let it sit overnight.