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Re: What Did You Have For Dinner Tonight?

A salad with lots of chopped vegetables. DH asked for French dressing; I had lite ranch on mine.

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Re: What Did You Have For Dinner Tonight?

Roasted organic chicken, Le Sueur green peas, homemade whole wheat bread, and peaches and homemade yogurt for dessert.

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Re: What Did You Have For Dinner Tonight?

I made a meat sauce for spaghetti, but I added chopped yellow squash and zucchini . We had it over whole wheat thin spaghetti with a green salad. 🥗🍝

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Re: What Did You Have For Dinner Tonight?

BLT's with delicious in-season homegrown tomatoes, cucumber salad and broccoli!

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Re: What Did You Have For Dinner Tonight?

I cleaned up 1/2 of the freezer today and lurking in the back was a 3 lb bag of scallops from 2 years ago. I removed 6 of them (they were very large) and had rice pilaf and broccoli with cheese sauce. For dessert I had sugar free gelatin and real whipped cream plus an individual size of Grandma's Cookies. DELICIOUS !!!

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Re: What Did You Have For Dinner Tonight?

It's just now after 5pm.  My hubby does all the cooking and he informed me we are having homemade steak, egg & cheese biscuits.  He makes the BEST homemade biscuits!


Time is just a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. It isn’t how long you live that matters; it is how well you are prepared to die. ~~Colonel Robert B. Thieme, Jr.
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Re: What Did You Have For Dinner Tonight?

Fish tacos - yummy!

......You look like I need a drink.....
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Re: What Did You Have For Dinner Tonight?

We buy the thin sliced Perdue Chicken b r e a s t. And my husband makes Chicken Parmesan. We also picked an eggplant and also cooked the eggplant. And had spaghetti and a kale salad. 


The thin sliced chicken works out so well. It isn't too filling and is always nice and tender, Also, Perdue vacuum seals the chicken. There are usually about 5 pieces of chicken. So we just put it in the freezer and pull out a packet when we want to cook it. 

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Re: What Did You Have For Dinner Tonight?

I went to lunch with a girlfriend, whose husband recently passed away.  We had Mexican, and I enjoyed every bite, however, since it's not my typical lunch, I was not hungry for dinner.  Ate some cantaloupe and that was it. 

@ECBG hope hubby gets to feeling better.

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Re: What Did You Have For Dinner Tonight?


@SurferWife wrote:

It's just now after 5pm.  My hubby does all the cooking and he informed me we are having homemade steak, egg & cheese biscuits.  He makes the BEST homemade biscuits!




I'm jealous.  Mine is worthless in the kitchen, but he's still a keeper.