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Re: Those people who say they "can't" cook or "don't" cook -

My 2 cents:


I think it's a generational thing. I was bought up to peel potatoes for a large family. Some women worked some didn't. Most men still believed it was a reflection on them if their wives had to work. Women were expected to be happy keeping a nice home and raise your own kids. Today, nobody knows or cares where their kids are, women sit on computers all day even at work and are here in the Q groups and other websites. I always wondered if they're at work how can they be in groups talking through the workday?

I think we all just got lazier, basically. Lazier and a ME generation. Self entitled, rude, etc.

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Re: Those people who say they "can't" cook or "don't" cook -

I have many neighbors who snowbird here to Florida and treat it as a 3 or 6 month vacation , including eating every meal out. That is so unhealthy! The amount of fat & salt in restaurant food is horrible - but that is what the public wants - good flavor. Most I know go out for brunch around 10 to 11 AM then have dinner - often early birds around 5PM. Some will make coffee at home or maybe a bowl of cereal - but that is as far as it goes. What is hysterical to me is -- they are the very people who paid a fortune to have a gourmet kitchen put in their homes.Stainless , granite the most impressive cabinets and tile backsplashes.One of my neighbors was showing me there is nothing in her very beautiful kitchen cabinets except some paper plates for toast.I suppose they don't want to get those fancy kitchens all dirty and greasy. Those like us that eat at home 90% of the time have regular old kitchens - built for function not for show.

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Re: Those people who say they "can't" cook or "don't" cook -

@GCR18 wrote:

To some extent, I fall into that category.  I used to eat out a lot, but had to give that up last year when I was sick.  I cook very simple things.  I can't do a lot of ingredients and don't have a cookbook or follow recipies. 

That's still cooking - good for you!

~ house cat ~
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Re: Those people who say they "can't" cook or "don't" cook -

The ones I know buy bags and boxes of frozen food at Sam's Club or Costco  throw it on a cookie sheet and heat in the oven. They call that cooking.

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Re: Those people who say they "can't" cook or "don't" cook -

The little dippy kitchens they put in today's nice homes I laugh at. When I built our new home here in Tx. I put in all that fancy stuff, but, I live in there.


Hubbo says "nobody cooks any more either they call it in and have delivered or go thru drive thru". You can tell the people who don't cook when you go to the buffets. They're like starving wolves. What husband and I take for granted these people are like it's a whole new world they just discovered.

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Re: Those people who say they "can't" cook or "don't" cook -

@SharkE wrote:

My 2 cents:


I think it's a generational thing. I was bought up to peel potatoes for a large family. Some women worked some didn't. Most men still believed it was a reflection on them if their wives had to work. Women were expected to be happy keeping a nice home and raise your own kids. Today, nobody knows or cares where their kids are, women sit on computers all day even at work and are here in the Q groups and other websites. I always wondered if they're at work how can they be in groups talking through the workday?

I think we all just got lazier, basically. Lazier and a ME generation. Self entitled, rude, etc.


I think like most generalizations this is not correct. many many young families have very good parents and Moms who, despite that they work all day , come home and make a meal for their family. My Mom had to work and she always gave us a nice meal and kept our home clean and our clothes were clean and mended. Anyone who works out with a group of people knows that in EVERY GENERATION there are those who work hard and those who do not,There are those who are smart and those who aren't, and some who cope well and some who can't.

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Re: Those people who say they "can't" cook or "don't" cook -

[ Edited ]

Sure exceptions to every rule. I don't like to argue.


although, LOL, I don't understand how people who are suppose to be working can sit on internet at work and blog with others? I think they can tell now if your doing that or is that a generalization, also?

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Re: Those people who say they "can't" cook or "don't" cook -

@Nataliesgramma wrote:

The ones I know buy bags and boxes of frozen food at Sam's Club or Costco  throw it on a cookie sheet and heat in the oven. They call that cooking.

Oh the horror! Who cares? Not everyone enjoys grocery shopping and cooking.  

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Re: Those people who say they "can't" cook or "don't" cook -

I also disagree about it being a generational thing. Both my sons can cook - one loves it and the other tolerates it, but they can cook to feed themselves. On the otherhand, I work with women my age who say they can't cook. These women raised families! How did they feed them?  


A young woman I worked with had two children, ages 8 and 5 when she came to tell me how proud of herself she was that she cooked a meal the night before. I tried to share her joy but I couldn't help wondering how she'd kept them alive all those years, lol.


I do think that stores like Costco saved a lot of the non-cooks.  I have a friend who buys everything prepared and frozen from Costco. 

~ house cat ~
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Re: Those people who say they "can't" cook or "don't" cook -

[ Edited ]

I can cook but I don't cook because I won't cook.  I don't enjoy cooking, I don't hate it, it's just not somethig I like to do.  I'm 55, both my girls are gone and it's just hubby and me.  We both work fulltime.  We both make good money.  So, just as I hire someone to clean my house, I have others do the cooking for us.  Meaning, we eat 2-3 a  times a week and  we order take out meals.  When I say takeout, I don't mean Dominos or the local Chinese place.  Although we occasionally do have a pizza delivered.  Most real restaurants in this area offer delivery.  Delivery is the big thing around here.   It's healthy, delicious, chef prepared food and  the portions are generous.  So, we usually have enough leftovers for lunch.  Today, for dinner, I am ordering lasagna and a salad for hubby and my favorite chicken caesar salad for myself.  We do make our own breakfasts; oat meal, English muffins, bagels, boiled eggs, smoothies, frruit.  But if we  want waffles or pancakes or omelets on the weekends; we go out for brunch.  I'm not sure what there is to understand.  Surely everyone knows about restaurants and delivery.