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Re: The new Pioneer Woman cookbook.

@walkingal wrote:

I got her new cookbook from the library.  It is SO heavy.  I just glanced through it and returned it the next day.  But that's how I feel about most cookbooks.  They're too heavy and cumbersome.  As far as Pioneer Woman's recipes, I think she cooks too much Tex-Mex dishes.  

@walkingal I agree except I fail to see how one could have too much Tex-Mex.  Is that really possible?  

Posts: 55
Registered: ‎03-15-2010

Re: The new Pioneer Woman cookbook.

I also received her new cookbook. I think I am just burned out on her, but, I am sure I will try something in it. Her recipes are just not 100% relialble. Oh, well, on my cookbook shelf it goes!

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Re: The new Pioneer Woman cookbook.

I have two of her other cookbooks, and, not surprisingly, they are heavy on beef, butter and sugar. I've had great success with some of her cookies at Christmastime.
Now she has a line of FROZEN FOODS. Has anyone tried any of them? Just saw an ad for them on TV.
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Posts: 18
Registered: ‎02-20-2019

Re: The new Pioneer Woman cookbook.

I was disappointed in her cookbook. Not worth sending back though. Her presentation was great, but I found nothing that my family as a whole would like. The names of the recipes are actually better than the recipes themselves.

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Registered: ‎11-13-2010

Re: The new Pioneer Woman cookbook.

I have not gotten the new book yet.  One of my kids is getting it for me for Christmas.  I have to agree with the tex-mex.  I do like that kind of food, but I am more a meat and taters kinda girl.  She puts way too much hot stuff in her food.  I just leave that part out. It's funny, because my son owns his own hot sauce company, High River sauces, and he is always trying to put that on my food.  I have found a new blogger that I am really liking.  It is called 1/2 Baked Harvest by a girl named Tieghen Gerard.  I got her first cookbook and I liked it.  She just came out with a second one that I just ordered on Amazon called Half Baked Harvest Super Simple.

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Registered: ‎03-26-2010

Re: The new Pioneer Woman cookbook.

I really like Ree Drummond and enjoy watching her show.  I like seeing the family....growing up fast.  I have one of her cookbooks.  The only thing that stops me from buying another.....they are too heavy!!!