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Holy smokes, within a week a lemon has gone from 69 cents to 99 cents and one of the upper scale grocery stores in the area have them for $1.99 each!


What's going on with the cost of citrus?

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That's a good question.  Wegmans' price is $0.79 each.  At that price, we won't be casually cutting up lemons to use in drinks.

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Re: The Cost of a Lemon

[ Edited ]

Just got back from Costco and the price for a bag-I know it was less than a dozen- was just under $8.  A young lady in front of me at Smart & Final bought 3 small bags and the cost was $24.  I have not  been paying attention, I guess.  I commented "what?" to the checker and her because I couldn't believe it.  I live in CA-think it would be better here.  I will go next door to my neighbors tree !

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Arent they out of season now? 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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It's funny that you posted this comment because just today we went to our local produce market and I bought two lemons at $1.25 per lemon.  


On the way home I made a comment to my husband on when did lemons become so expensive?  


If we lived in an area that could grow citrus, I'd consider planting a lemon tree.

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Late spring frosts.

Cogito ergo sum
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I live in southern CA and have a lemon tree in my yard.  I'm currently picking the last fruits off the tree.  I juice the lemons, freeze the juice in ice cube trays, and then keep the frozen cubes in ziploc bags for use all year long.  We also have grapefruit, orange, and kumquat.  I can't imagine paying a dollar for a lemon!


Lemon trees are more susceptible to frosts than other citrus trees.  In addition, the entire citrus industry is being threatened by the an insect called the Asian Citrus Psyllid which carries the disease Huanglongbing, which kills off trees.  I'm really hoping that scientists can find a way to combat this disease or we might not have much citrus left at all.

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 (Kroger) here in Az. is 89cents but today went to sprouts & they had lemons 2 for $1. Also what is going on with corn on the cob? 2 weeks ago at sprouts 3 for $1 now it's 40cents a ear. Remember those days when corn was 5 for $1? LOL

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The cost of produce is quite expensive!!!!


I love good beefsteak tomato - being a "jersey girl" there is nothing better on a hot FL day....good luck finding a good one here! I was in store and they looked good so I picked 4 nice ones.  


I also got a sleeve of celery, 2 cucumbers, head of lettuce & 2 peppers....holy moly the cashier said $32.49 (my 6 cans of cat food were $4) What??? I said there must be a mistake. Nope : tomatoes are $3.99/lb., 

peppers $3.29/lb, celery $3.29/sleeve, lettuce $2.29/head, cucumbers $1.69/each.


Obviously, I was shocked at the high prices which they say is because of shipping & droughts. Produce prices here are ridiculous!


Ps: lemons are .99 each & small!













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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Last year I was buying them for 4 for $1.00.  This year they're $.99 each.  I make a lot of homemade lemonade so I hope they soon come down in price.

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