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Re: Still Buying Fiestaware (aka Fiestaware thread, Part 2)

Hey Wismiss, cute house, but why do you need 3 bedrooms?  Just being nosy.  I will be hunting for a condo with one bedroom unless I find a cheaper one with two to use for an office.  But I like the expensive ones, so I doubt it.

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Re: Still Buying Fiestaware (aka Fiestaware thread, Part 2)

Happy Independence Day!!

 to everyone!!


If you can dream it you can do it--Walt Disney
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Re: Still Buying Fiestaware (aka Fiestaware thread, Part 2)


I missed the post about your house.  That is great, looks spotless and well taken care of.  If it meant to be, it wiill be yours!

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Re: Still Buying Fiestaware (aka Fiestaware thread, Part 2)

Kutira--Love the peanuts pic.  Happy 4th to all of you!


Ocean--Claudia thanks you for the compliment.


Shoekitty--I sure must have been tired last night.  Now, I see that you said that the dish was a butter dish, not a cheese dish.  I still think that it would look lovely with Slate.

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Re: Still Buying Fiestaware (aka Fiestaware thread, Part 2)

Wismiss -- what a beautiful house.  I will definitely keep my fingers crossed for you. 


Shoekitty -- tetnus shot!!!  Wow!  I hope you are doing better.  I love the butter dish.  I am definitely partial to rose and cranberry colored glassware.  In fact, I have four boxes of cranberry glass sitting in our bedroom waiting for me to become an eBay seller.  I have got to get that started. 


Kutira -- what an adorable 4th of July wish.  Thank you.


Everyone -- Here's to a happy and safe 4th.  May God bless America.

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Re: Still Buying Fiestaware (aka Fiestaware thread, Part 2)

[ Edited ]

Thank you for all your positive encouragement about the house.  I haven't heard anything yet and am kind of on pins and needles waiting.  The house is well taken care of on the inside, also.  Really, there is not a thing I would have to do if I could go up and downstairs.  3 things I will have to do to meet my needs is a fence for the dog, make a main floor laundry, and handrails for getting into the house from the garage.


Here are some pictures of the LR and kitchen:



I don't particularly like the tile in the kitchen, but it is is nice and clean and no broken tiles or anything, so I'll change it after I save enough money.


July 10 - July 19, Kohl's 30% off SUNTAN30.  As we get closer to the dates maybe I can find the free shipping code.  3d, do you know how to do that?

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta
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Re: Still Buying Fiestaware (aka Fiestaware thread, Part 2)

[ Edited ]

Shoekitty:  I don't know anything about crepe myrtles but when our friend who is a horticulturist calls, I will ask him and if there is anything that should be done for it now or if it will come back.

It sounds like you will be joining us at the Fiesta time out bench, Shoekitty.   Welcome aboard.

How is your thumb?  I hope it is getting better.  It sounds painful.  I can't imagine a cat bite down to the bone.  Owwwwww!!!

Is your possum friendly?  If they are like the possums in Illinois, they are really uuuuuggggglllyyyyyy.  IMO at least.  They can be mean, so that's why I was asking if yours was friendly.

I love your butter dish.  What pattern is it?  I think pink depression glass is so pretty.  And they had a nice selection of patterns in pink.  I do think it would look lovely with Rose.....Rose.....Rose------get the hint?

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta
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Re: Still Buying Fiestaware (aka Fiestaware thread, Part 2)

[ Edited ]

Oceantown:  Thanks for the ideas for making the water having a little variety.  I cannot do herbal teas as I am allergic to most of those plants.  I had an asthma attack, and a severe one that sent me to the hospital, after drinking a tea with echinacea in it.  I drank the tea and 10 minutes later could hardly breathe.  I should have known better as when I had my allergy testing, I was allergic to almost all plants and grasses.  I found some tea with ginger root in it and since that is not a leaf of a plant, I can drink that.  In fact, I am sipping on a cup of that right now.


Kutira:  3 miles a night is just great and then you do all those additional exercises.  You have my admiration.

I needed a 3 bedroom house if the laundry was presently in the basement.  Since I cannot get up and down steps, I need the third bedroom to turn into a main level utility room.  I'll put the washer and dryer in there and use the rest of the room for a craft room.  Then the second bedroom will be the guest bedroom.  Thank you for the Charlie Brown greeting for July 4th.

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta
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Re: Still Buying Fiestaware (aka Fiestaware thread, Part 2)

[ Edited ]

3d:  What is the font style of your post #3164? That is so much easier to read than some of the others.

I have a dental appointment Tuesday and they will put the permanent crown on then.  I will be so glad to have that done.  Now just to pay for it.  It's been quite a few years since I had my last one and they were about $400.  Twice+ now, and the cost of the post preparation is not incuded in that amount.

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta
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Re: Still Buying Fiestaware (aka Fiestaware thread, Part 2)


RainGirl, did you get your Dishes Fast order?  Was everything good and in one piece?  Thanks for showing me how to look for each color.  Duh, I should have figured that out.  I will have to join you on the bench formy last few purchases.  But, at least, thanks to Meezer, we have a cute bench and thanks to 3d we will have snacks.  I'll bring bottles of Fiji artesian well water, as it will probably be hot out there.  Do you think we could put the bench inside where it is air conditioned?

I don't have an IT background but I can see some glaring items that should be changed.  The first of which being--why is it necessary to put the name of the thread in those huge letters for every post?  And, the second glaring thing that makes it hard to read is that there is very little space between the rows of print.  I almost always type my reply in Word and then copy and paste it to the reply box because you cannot go back and see what other people have written.  I do see that it has an autosave feature and sometime I'm going to have to test that.  I'm not sure how you retrieve the reply that had been started.  Prior to copying and pasting, I try to use a font that has very plain type and gives space between the typed rows.  However, when I paste it, it just converts to their font with very little space between rows.  So, I'm going to try to copy and paste and then change the font to one of their choices.

“I can do things you cannot, you can do things I cannot; together we can do great things.” St.Teresa of Calcutta