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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

I have a ceramic pan from Cook's Companion and it tells you to season a new pan like this.


"Wash and dry the pan. Lightly rub cooking oil onto the surface.  Warm the pan on low heat, cool then wash again."  So far, so good.  If anything starts to stick, I will do this process again.  Worth a try!

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

Use very low heat for eggs.

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

New skillet or Pam.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

@MollieWhen we did scrambled eggs in the beginning of my Advanced Foods classes, we always used a pat of butter (at home I use a butter flavored spray) and start in a barely warm pan.  You should move them around slowly and gently.

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

1. I think your heat is too high.

2. Your pan may have seen better days. (It's so hard to know when to replace pans, isn't it? But if it is worn, it is safest to get a newer no stick one.)

3. Always warm the pan first, then heat olive oil and/or butter in the pan, and then add the eggs to keep from sticking.

4. Remember that we all have things stick sometimes! 

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

[ Edited ]

If oil or butter is necessary to prevent sticking [of eggs], then why are these skillets advertised and promoted as 'non-stick'?

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

Eggs don't stick and brown that crisp unless the heat is way too high.   

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

You are cooking them too hot and too long.  The pan is too big for the amount of eggs, giving you a thin layer that will overcook quickly.  


I make scrambled eggs over medium or lower heat.  I break them in the pan and then gently break up the yolks and mix in, then scrape them up in big flaps from the bottom as they start to cook and scrape, fold, and move them gently, turn them over if needed as they set on the bottom.  One key here: TURN OFF THE HEAT BEFORE THEY ARE DONE, turn the eggs over and let them gently finish cooking to the degree you want.  Still moist or rock hard--your call and they shouldn't burn!


If you whip them up, the air in them makes them more likely to overcook on the bottom.  I don't add water or milk to them, just the eggs.  Using this technique it is easy to get them to the degree of doneness you want, and they have a great texture.