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Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

My scrambled eggs stick ALL the time in the skillet. How to stop this? Any skillet suggestions?


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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

Even though I have a non-stick pan I always coat it in olive oil before I cook scrambled eggs.  

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

I use a little buttter.

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

I would say lower the heat and cook them slower and there shouldn't be a problem.  I also turn the heat off before they are completely set and they continue to set up.

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

I put several pads of butter in skillet and melted that before the eggs went in.

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

They should be slightly moist.

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

That sure looks like a HOT pan!   First - add more milk  - then whip both eggs and milk with a fork in a bowl - so air gets in the mixture.  Heat pan to medium to low high - I swipe butter all aound the inside edges of the pan and the bottom with spatula.  To test if hot enough to start the 'action of cooking' drop a few drops of egg mixture in pan - if it bubbles - then pour your S Egg mixture in pan.  With a flat hard spatual keep moving the partial cooked egg to the center of pan - pick up pan by handle and let uncooked mixture flow to parts of bare pan bottom.  Keep doing this - cooked mixture to center of pan - flow uncooked to bare pan bottom.  When all is cooked - gather it together and flip around so all is hot to serve.

I use to make crapy s eggs cuz I wasn't adding enough milk - one day the milk got away from me - I thought it was spoiled because of too much liquid - - but they ended up being the best eggs I ever cooked!  Good Luck......................... if you need more heat - turn it up a little - you don't want mixture to be just sitting there doing nothing.  All stoves are different.

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

I hate to admit this, but I keep a bacon grease (love me my bacon...!) container & put a dab of that in the skillet before I scramble eggs.  No problems what so ever.  

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

Even the best chefs use a non-stick pan for eggs.  Yours looks worn out.

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Re: Skillet problems with eggs! Help!

Non stick pan, butter, cook no higher than medium heat level (or a teensy bit higher) and stir/fold continuously with a rubber spatula.


I have a seprate nonstick pan that I use solely for eggs.  Despite sales promises, the nonstick in pans do not last very long, especially if you also use the pans at higher temp in searing meat.