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🍋 Seedless Lemons???? 🍋

The other day I went to the grocery store to pick up some lemons to make fresh lemonaide.  As I was picking around for the large lemons I noted a sign in the next been that said "seedless" lemons. Smiley Surprised Never heard of "seedless" lemons.  So I grabbed 2 bags as there were only 3-4 lemons in each bag.  I grabbed the bags that had 3 lemons as the "seedless" lemons were large.  The lemons were small in the 4 lemon bags.


Friday night after juicing all 6 lemons, I found 1 seed in the strainer.  Not bad!


I hope the store has more "seedless" lemons the next time I go there.


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Re: 🍋 Seedless Lemons???? 🍋

Nice find! I am constantly digging, or splicing the seeds out with a knife from lemons to squeeze into my ice tea. 


I'll be on the look out for these. After all, if they can produce seedless watermelons at a decent price, then lemons should be next!

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Re: 🍋 Seedless Lemons???? 🍋

I didn't know that, either.   That's great.  I cannot think of any reason anybody would want lemon seeds.  


Were the lemons good, in terms of taste, texture, etc?

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Re: 🍋 Seedless Lemons???? 🍋

@chickenbutt  The seedless lemons were very soft in texture.  They were also juicier.  My juicer juiced up all 5 lemons in no time.  I saved the 6th one to manual squeeze.  No effort at all! Smiley Surprised  I don't manual squeeze a lemon unless it's room temp and/or microwaved.  I juiced these lemons right out the fridge.

The taste is the same as lemons w/seeds.  I could not tell the difference.

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Re: 🍋 Seedless Lemons???? 🍋

My husband bought a bag of seedless lemons about 2 weeks ago.

They were juicy, had a bit of a sweetness to them, and not one seed. 

I love them and hope we can find the again.


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Re: 🍋 Seedless Lemons???? 🍋

I wonder how they propagate a lemon with no seeds?  Do they clone them?

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: 🍋 Seedless Lemons???? 🍋

Most citrus trees are grafted into a hearty seeded stock plant.


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Re: 🍋 Seedless Lemons???? 🍋

I have been buying seedless lemons for over a year. They are wonderful,  and I would not ever buy the ones with all those seeds after using these. I hope they will always be available. 

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Re: 🍋 Seedless Lemons???? 🍋

I guess it's just me, but the one time I tried the seedless lemons (a few months ago), I thought they tasted different than seeded lemons.  Couldn't exactly put my finger on it, but I know I thought they didn't taste quite as good.


I guess I'll give them a try again.  

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Re: 🍋 Seedless Lemons???? 🍋

I think they are called Eureka lemons. I have never seen them around here. Meyer lemons have less seeds but I don't like the taste. It's a cross between an orange n a lemon and it's got a strange taste to me.


I generally buy the thinner skinned lemons and leave them out on the counter. I like them soft and warm because you get more juice. I love lemons 🍋