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Posts: 2,692
Registered: ‎03-27-2011

@dexI just searched on QVC for silicone muffin liners and it came back with muffin pans and also a Breezies bra Smiley SurprisedSmiley LOL !


I searched amazon and Wal-Mart and found a variety. I have seen them in other stores kitchen sections also. I have had mine that I bought in a set of silicone items at QVC many years ago. the muffin liners are about the only item I continued to use. They are handy. I pop them inside out to clean and sometines put in the DW secured where they can not fly around.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@okaywitheasypay@Thanks for the info and the laugh. My searches go wrong many times and oh the th8ngs I have seen....can’t even discuss on the board.