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Rick said to Tara today that Polish stoneware were "just bowls". He was comparing them to Temptations ability to bake in them. Polish stoneware can go in the oven. They are durable and beautiful.
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I'm not a fan of Polish stoneware as it's too busy for my taste.   However, there is no vcomparison with the stuff Tara churns out.  The Polish is much better quality. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I have both Polish Stoneware and Temptations.  I think both are beautiful, but the polish stoneware I can cook in.  The Temptations I only use for decorative purposes.  There is no comparison as far as quality goes.  Polish Stoneware is far superior.

 I don't think Rick pays attention to half the stuff that comes out of his mouth.  

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I have maybe 7 or 8 pieces of polish stoneware.  Bought them here when Gloria was on.  No comparison.  I have temptations also.  The quality is not what first came out.


I bought a polish stoneware butter dish in TJMaxx several years ago, it was about 8.00. It is fabulous.  

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@mjmm ......... YES! I have a few pieces of Temp-Tations that I have never even baked in and they have discolored and crazed terribly. Such junk, and Tara has made millions peddling this stuff. I love Polish pottery and the many patterns to choose from, not to mention their durability and the impeccable workmanship. It is truly worth every penny.

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Polish stoneware is total Quality...and Hand Made.  Tempatations in my mind is mass produced.  Doesn't even compare. 

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I agree about Polish Stoneware.  Apparently Rick does not know about produicts that QVC sells. I think he need to say he is sorry for his mistake.