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Questions About Food Network's Chopped

Does anyone know why this show is so serious? I would watch it if the judges would lighten up! 


Also- I think it's funny how the judges stare at the contestants while they're taking a bite LOL! I know that's a funny observation but when I eat something I instinctively look at my fork or spoon.

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Re: Questions About Food Network's Chopped



Cannot answer your question, but wanted to say I watched this show when it first came on and it got very old very quick.


Among other things, they were often given wretched items to cook with and I found myself getting queasy at the thought of many of the items.


Not to mention it is the same old "judges" on many of these programs.  I just got tired of them.  I found myself saying, "who cares what you think."  


Time to change the channels Cat LOL


Maybe I'm getting old and cranky, but I have given up on most of the Food Network shows.



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Re: Questions About Food Network's Chopped

@Ladybug724 I agree with you! I don't understand why they are so serious it's ridiculous. I stopped watching I can't take it. I'm sure they are all good chefs, but isn't food, and taste subjective?

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Re: Questions About Food Network's Chopped

@Witchy Woman wrote:



Cannot answer your question, but wanted to say I watched this show when it first came on and it got very old very quick.


Among other things, they were often given wretched items to cook with and I found myself getting queasy at the thought of many of the items.


Not to mention it is the same old "judges" on many of these programs.  I just got tired of them.  I found myself saying, "who cares what you think."  


Time to change the channels Cat LOL


Maybe I'm getting old and cranky, but I have given up on most of the Food Network shows.



@Witchy Woman The items they give them to cook with are so disgusting sometimes I don't get it. I can't watch anymore, plus at this point it's just the same thing week after week. 

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Re: Questions About Food Network's Chopped

@Witchy Woman wrote:



Cannot answer your question, but wanted to say I watched this show when it first came on and it got very old very quick.


Among other things, they were often given wretched items to cook with and I found myself getting queasy at the thought of many of the items.


Not to mention it is the same old "judges" on many of these programs.  I just got tired of them.  I found myself saying, "who cares what you think."  


Time to change the channels Cat LOL


Maybe I'm getting old and cranky, but I have given up on most of the Food Network shows.



@Witchy Woman Sooooo true!!!! And the judges actually have to eat that stuff! Maybe that's why they're so cranky lol

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Questions About Food Network's Chopped

I like Alex G on Supermarket Stakeout because she seems like she's actually enjoying herself, and generally a lot more relaxed. However, on Chopped, she always looks perturbed

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Re: Questions About Food Network's Chopped

Chefs who compete take it very seriously, and there is often levity during the episodes. I continue to enjoy watching it.

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Re: Questions About Food Network's Chopped

I think most the food network shows are boring any more. but I do enjoy Michael Symons show where he cooks at his home or outside---and I like Guy F triple G but he is on way too much----and the seasonal shows are fun---watch Ina early Saturday a.m. in my area---

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Re: Questions About Food Network's Chopped

@Ladybug724  I agree with @wagirl , there are still some good shows left on FN, but not many. We still watch Chopped on occasion. Alex and Amanda are just plain grumpy and sometimes angry. There is another guy (can't remember his name) who keeps touching his mouth - UGH! We like to watch it with the grandchildren because, as kids, come up with some great solutions to the strange ingredients. 

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Re: Questions About Food Network's Chopped

I'm not a fan of Ted Allen and when Alton Brown was on, didn't like that either.  Some judges I like.......Marc, Alex, Scott, Amanda, the Indian lady, Marcus.  There are others, can't think of their names right now.  Don't like Geoffrey Z.


I don't like when the contestants come back and they make us wait until after the commercials to say who is chopped, except for the dessert round.  As if we are stupid enough to buy their so called "surprise"!!


I do other things when they are going thru their preparing.  In answer to the OP, I don't know why.  Another thing I don't like are the contestants' sob stories.  I think that is scripted.  Makes it look like they might be saved from being chopped.