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@Slainte  -  Thanks for the encouraging report.  I just caved and bought a black oven after watching the demonstration.  Wish me luck -  LOL.

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I liked that one especially the red one.

Liked the light and the one door opens both feature.

If I didn't already have the walmart XL one I'd been game for it


don't know if it would hold a 9 by 13 pan though didn't watch the whole presentation.

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The reviews of the French Door version at Amazon are very, very good. They did mention that the doors are spring loaded so they have to be opened completely to keep from springing back.

**************** "A black cat crossing your path just means that it is going from one place to another." Proud owner of a black cat and a shopper of QVC since the merger with CVN.
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I bought it in black.  I did some comparison shopping on Amazon and think it is a good buy.  I'm sick of burning my hands and lower arms on the extremely cheap stove that came with this apartment.  It has absolutely no insulation.  The whole stove turns into a hot furnace every time I use the oven.  And I don't have to bend over, a real problem for me. 


Only thing is now I have to find a place for the microwave I already have!!  (Which is old and I probably won't use it as much after I get this oven.)

Formerly Ford1224
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Please donate your microwave; there are many people who could use one.

Check with your local churches and Salvation Army.

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@feline groovy

Hi JSS!  If I find I am no longer using it, I will certainly donate it.  It's old, but it still works fine.  Thanks for the suggestion. 

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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I liked the red one also, but all my kitchen stuff is black and stainless.  A 9x13 pan does fit in the oven.


@feline groovy


I plan on donating my #2 microwave, which is taking space where the new oven will reside.  The micro still works good - just don't use it.

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This TSV is $129.95 with S&H of $19.97.  So if you decide to return it you have to pay an unreasonable return fee.  Wait until BB&B has it.  20% off, free shipping and 2 years to see if you like it.  One month is a joke.  I have never had any luck with Oster appliances.  And by the way, why will QVC not post the instructions? 

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I stand corrected.  The instructions are posted.  Is that all you get with the machine?

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I decided I wanted the red one, give my Walmart one to the church.


David is on and what red ones they have will blow out the door, so, I done called in .


That red will match my KA mini mixer and food processor.