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Registered: ‎03-11-2010
Would love to hear what you think about this if you got the TSV. Is it a pain to plan ahead to make the ice cream? How much time does it take to make a recipe? How noisy is it? Thanks in advance.
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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

Re: Ninja creami

[ Edited ]

I use mine a lot, in spite of the drawbacks. First, once you make room in the freezer for those containers, it's not big deal to plan ahead. I have at least 3 in there all the time.


The worst part, for me, is the noise. It truly does sound like a plane is landing in your kitchen. So, you do have to plan for that and won't be making a midnight snack if there are others in the house.


I make mine low carb/sugar free so that takes the Lite Ice Cream cycle. I am always tempted to try the regular cycle to see if that makes a difference, but I haven't. It takes SEVERAL cycles on Re-Spin to get it ready and creamy. It starts looking very powdery, but keep spinning it and it will magically get creamy. I read someplace that when you use the Mix-Ins button, it makes it creamier, so, even if I don't use mix-ins, I run it through the mix-in cycle as the last one.


I am having company this summer, so I will try the regular ice cream recipes and see how they are. 


I use the sugar free ones in the recipe book, but mostly, I use it for a keto meal replacement beverage. I just mix it up and freeze it in the container and that is a fabulous go-to if I am not hungry enough for a real meal. 


If I don't finish a whole container, I do refreeze that and then have to start the whole cycle again when I am ready to finish it. It still works, even if there isn't a full container.


I hope that helps and I hope you enjoy it.

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Posts: 4,272
Registered: ‎03-11-2010

@Lisa now in AZ   Thanks for the  in depth review.  Haven't decided to get one or not.  Love that you're getting a nice finished product that is low carb/sugar free.  I certainly don't need the extra calories.  Try to stay cool.  

Posts: 49
Registered: ‎04-14-2013

I just sent mine back.  It never came out creamy like they showed on TV.  Mine was always crumbly and I had to respin it at least 4-5 times to get it to look like ice cream.  Not worth the money to me so back it went.  Very disappointed since I usually love Ninja products.