I don't blame you. It's just for a week so that's not bad. I know people who eat that stuff all the time and I worry about the sodium content, but I know they eat the meals like this because it's easy and because of the calorie content.
DH loves and wants full meals all the time. I, truthfully, would love to do less a lot of times but he needs real food because he is diabetic and I know it's better for us anyway.
I would a lot of times just be happy with a small salad and fruit. I also am trying to watch my weight, too. Then DH gets worried if I don't eat as much. What's wrong, he says. Are you sick, he says. No, I just gained weight from the holidays and cannot get it of! Grrrrr! He is like a lot of men --- he can lose a pound in nothing flat!
Just enjoy ---- no worries!!!!
"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin