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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

On 1/30/2014 wagirl said:

ooh ooh ooh---how about deviled ham that came in that tiny little round can!!! Loved that stuff and would rush home from elementary school one day a week to have lunch with my mom and her friend Dixie----would smear it all over soda crackers. My mom died last Friday and this thread has given me alot of memories about her cooking. She was a pretty good cook and taught me from an early age. I was actually cooking dinners for the fam using the old Presto pressure cooker when I was in 5th grade. Would randomly bake from scratch if the mood hit me and we had all the ingredients.

RIP mom !!!!

Such a great thread!! Thank you !!!!

I'm sorry to hear about your mum.

I still make a version of deviled ham/ham salad. I use my Ninja and leftover ham. I love it. It makes for good sandwiches with homemade pickles and great on soda crackers.

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

My darling mom would fix ground beef, cubed potatoes and onions together and cook down till it was all melted together. She was a terrific cook from her homemade yeast breads/rolls/biscuits to delicious veggies and BBQ chicken that would literally fall off the bone. When I met my future DH he thought he had died and gone to heaven when he could come for dinner. Now, 38+ years married to me, he still talks about my mom's cooking. I did not inherit my mother's love of cooking.

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

My mom wasn't much of a cook so we got a lot of canned stuff, frozen stuff (potpies, tv dinners and fish sticks), dried out meat and overcooked frozen veggies. My dad's older sister, however, was a wiz and everything was made from scratch. One of my favorites was the "day after corned beef and cabbage day" dinner she would always make. She called it "polenta" but it wasn't like what we call that today. She would mince the bits of corned beef (usually not much left), mash up the potatoes and chop the cabbage into bits then put it all in with the cooking liquid saved from the day before. When it came to a boil, she would add farina until it was thick and season with hot pepper flakes. Sounds disgusting, but we loved it.

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

I remember drinking a lot of Tang (orange or grape). Do they even make that anymore?

Talking about the little glasses that the chipped beef used to come in, I still have one (my mother had saved one). I use it for water next to my bed for taking Rx. Just the right size.

Did a quick search and yes, they still sell Tang. The creator of Tang also invented Pop Rocks and Cool Whip!

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

fried mush

beanie weenies

cube steak

fish sticks on Friday during Lent - I still can't eat them

hated jello molds with vegetables or fruit

popovers filled with custard pudding

mom always made our favorite cake for birthdays - mine was chocolate with buttercream icing

favorite was hot roast beef sandwiches with mash potatoes which we only got on vacation at a truck stop

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

Creamed cod on potatoes. The cod is dried and reconsituted(is that the word I want?) I'm drooling now I want some so bad. The store here where I would buy it is now closed. I'll have to check the other stores. It comes in a wooden box.

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

On 1/28/2014 Sunny5013 said:
On 1/28/2014 The Bird said:

What we used to have, but have no longer, is real, sweet wonderful cob corn. Now the industrial farmers have ruined it. GMO. Chelated soils due to the herbicides and pesticides necessary with the GMO seed. I miss my sweet corn. It is a distant dream from childhood. The younger generations do not realize the loss of this wonderful food. - Bird

So many misconceptions about GMO corn. Corn has been genetically modified since hybrids were developed in the 1930's.

We have fabulously delicious sweet corn in Aug. and Sept.
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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

On 1/30/2014 Kay SD said:

Ahh, creamed chipped beef gravy over homemade biscuits. Remember those little glass jars with a roll of thinly-sliced Armour dried beef? The lids pried off instead of having threads, so the little jars turned into juice glasses when empty.

And remember those open faced sandwiches with white bread, mashed potatoes, sliced beef and gravy over the whole thing? Where I lived they were called "Manhattans" but I know they have many names.

Then there is chicken fried steak made from well-pounded round steaks. They'd come out big as a platter, and everyone would fight over the round bone with the marrow inside. Like the fried chicken, you'd eat it with potatoes and corn.

I wouldn't eat any of these things now, and don't miss them, but sure loved them at the time.

I still buy that at our Walmart.

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

I remember drinking Ovaltine.