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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

What about banana sandwiches with mayo on white bread? I had one of those for supper last night!

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

It was the eighties and for some reason those boiling bags were popular for dinner--usually some kind of chicken in a cream sauce and peas

Chili mac--elbow macaroni with a can of chili poured over it

Dinty Moore beef stew or meatball stew

soft-boiled eggs mushed in a bowl with salt and pepper

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

Liver and onions or liver and bacon which I liked better. My parents sometimes ate canned sardines, oysters, and we did have Spam and eggs for lunch sometimes. Didn't really just have sandwiches then. Lunch was like dinner or supper. Always had big breakfasts too--bacon, eggs, etc. My Mom made porcupine meatballs in an old-time pressure cooker. (hamburger, rice, etc.) Delicious. I made them for years, but did mine stove top.

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

I'm enjoying the heck out of this thread!

Re: Fried bologna sandwiches. True story. My best friend & I had the bright idea 100 yrs. ago (we were probably about 8-10 yrs. old) that it would be a good idea to put the bologna slices in a TOASTER to "fry" them. {#emotions_dlg.crying}{#emotions_dlg.biggrin} Wow, did we get into trouble!

One of my mother's recipes that gags me to this day is a Belgian dish called Hutsepot. I apologize to those who like the idea of over boiled ham (maybe pork?), potatoes, carrots and onions, but take into consideration mom, though a great baker, was not a great cook. She used no seasonings other than fat that leaked out of whatever protein involved. {#emotions_dlg.laugh}

I DID like her leftover roast beef hash (done with a hand grinder) when I knew enough to add some salt & pepper.

And corned beef hash with a poached egg? Yum, never had it as a kid, but it's an occasional treat nowadays.

One thing I miss from my childhood days is a minced ham salad type thing sold in a tube. I've tried some online recipe "substitutes" but none refresh my memories.

Now I want a fried bologna sandwich...

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

Some childhood food memories. So ordinary but so special to me:

My mom worked part time on weekends at the candy counter at the movie theater in the 60's. I would go with her sometimes. My dad, who never cooked, would make me scrambled egg sandwiches on white bread to bring for lunch. He would wrap them in foil, and the bread would get all soggy. I loved it and asked my dad to make these for me eveytime I went to work with mom.

My uncle would by Kosher Hebrew National Salami's and hang the whole salami from his kitchen ceiling like a butcher might do. It's such a nice memory to think of going to my uncle's house a few times a month. Sitting in the kitchen with my 2 cousins chowing down on Salami on rye with Gulden's mustard. And the must have drink to go with that sandwich - grape juice. I have happy purple mustache memories.

My mom would make those notorius Jello molds, but not with vegies. She would use canned peaches.

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}Being from the Midwest in a little town the size of Mayberry, we ate a lot of the foods I've seen listed here from others also from that area.

Fried cornmeal mush: mom would buy it fresh, slice it and fry it in oil or butter and serve with maple syrup. I really liked that. Today I think it's called polenta, but not sure if that is right.

Oyster stew: when the fall of the year rolled around almost everyone would be cooking oyster stew for a good evening meal. From about October through December, our stores would sell fresh tubs of oysters in the meat department.

Liver and onions: loved it then and still do.

Summer meals always included fresh tomatoes, corn, green onions and leaf lettuce. My mom would fry up some fresh jowl bacon, and then she would add vinegar to the hot bacon drippings with some sugar and pour the whole thing over leaf lettuce with green onions cut up in it. We called it wilted lettuce and it was delish!!!!

One thing that was only found in a few Midwest states was a sandwich called a breaded tenderloin. OMG whenever we go back to Indiana for a visit I have to have one of those sandwiches. I had no idea for years that it was a regional thing until I saw something about it on a show on Food Network. Google it and you can read a lot about this delish sandwich.

And finally in the spring of the year we always had fresh mushroom from the woods (they are called morels). Growing up everyone in our town would be on the hunt for these and at that time none of us had any idea that this was sort of a culinary delight. Now I read a lot about morels and yes they are very expensive to order. My dad was great at finding these and would come home literally with a large bucketfull. Mom would flour them and fry them in oil. She would also take some of the fried ones and scramble them with eggs. My husband also has a great eye for them and we can find them here in Michigan. They even have a "morel festival" here in the spring. No other mushroom comes close to the taste of these.

Must stop typing as all of these memories are making me hungry, lol.


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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

OMG x 2, Vicki, on the breaded pork tenderloin sandwiches! Could only get them at my sister's home in IL and we once took home a cooler full of frozen ones, so we could enjoy them between visits.

Another for old time Michiganders - fresh caught lake perch!

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

Back in the 50's we use to have Claridge Hamburgers. The were cooked hamburger patties in awful gravy in a can. We use to have them with mashed potatoes and canned diced carrots. I HATED that meal.

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

I googled it...It looks like a fried pork chop sandwich to me but pounded thin. I bet it is yummy!

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Re: Meals from the years past that aren't seen today

Pigs in a blanket