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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Constant chatter of any kind annoys me, so I avoid social situations and I don't watch presentations, period.

New Contributor
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎10-22-2023

OMG !!!! Locknlock Patty was just on again, in the few minutes she was on, she started with that "and you know what" ****** again.......seriously ????  It seems to me, I may be wrong, but they are giving her very short time appearances to present her Locknlock.....Thank God David trys to do most of the talking.......

New Contributor
Posts: 3
Registered: ‎10-22-2023

"and you know what", makes me cringe every time I hear her say that, which is every other sentence when she is on.......

Regular Contributor
Posts: 207
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

I thought I would never ever get use to a new kitchenaid representative. i loved watching Laura. Took me a while, but once I gave Tina a chance... Tina is a good representative. Patti will come into the role.She's just not Chris like Tina isn't Laura.