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Re: Kitchen accessories - what do you display that is not typically ""kitchen decor""?

I have no walls at all in my actual kitchen, no windows either. It's totally open and only separates the dining and living room by a long counter. It's kind of like a square with a 1/4th of it cut out. I also have 2 picture windows and sliding glass doors in the living room, so not much wall space anywhere, however I can look out them and see the mountains.

The only thing I have in there is a Candle warmer that melts from the top and has a stained glass shade.

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Re: Kitchen accessories - what do you display that is not typically ""kitchen decor""?

I love your kitty pic,fourpaws. I have some of those accessories in my kitchen as well.
Posts: 59
Registered: ‎03-28-2015

Re: Kitchen accessories - what do you display that is not typically ""kitchen decor""?

On 4/10/2015 peachesncream said:
On 4/9/2015 fourpaws said:

Best answer possible!

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Re: Kitchen accessories - what do you display that is not typically ""kitchen decor""?

My mother had this plate hanging on her kitchen wall for as long as I can remember. When she passed away, my sister gave it to me and said Mom wanted me to have it. I bought a plate stand for it and it's on top of my kitchen hutch.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: Kitchen accessories - what do you display that is not typically ""kitchen decor""?

On 4/9/2015 fourpaws said:


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Re: Kitchen accessories - what do you display that is not typically ""kitchen decor""?

Long, narrow galley kitchen with a dead end wall. Found an ironing board cover in a black & white graphic print. Hung the board like "art" along with a chrome-framed perspective drawing. Kitchen is typical black granite, white subway & cabinets. Philadelphia Flower Show poster adds a shot of color next to the French casement window.

It's a comparatively small space, so I keep the counters bare.

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Re: Kitchen accessories - what do you display that is not typically ""kitchen decor""?

I have Tiffany style lamps, a lot of art on the walls, a baker's rack with all Murano green ducks, and my table and chairs which were created for a dining room, but are not formal, also two My Pillow dog beds, tv and dvd player, and a standing artificial tree in a corner with beaded fruit and birds.

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Re: Kitchen accessories - what do you display that is not typically ""kitchen decor""?

On 4/10/2015 Bird mama said:

My mother had this plate hanging on her kitchen wall for as long as I can remember. When she passed away, my sister gave it to me and said Mom wanted me to have it. I bought a plate stand for it and it's on top of my kitchen hutch.

Bird mama - best kitchen décor of all. Kitchens are the heart of them home. How appropriate to have a piece from your Mother there.

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Re: Kitchen accessories - what do you display that is not typically ""kitchen decor""?

I can't say specifically because I don't want to reveal my last name. However, my family shares a name with a very well-known food manufacturer & I have a Barbie doll dressed in clothing labeled with that particular name displayed in my kitchen.{#emotions_dlg.biggrin}

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Re: Kitchen accessories - what do you display that is not typically ""kitchen decor""?

Goldenlocks - when I googled to see if I could find a picture of the plate online, I was surprised to see it described as vintage. I'm going on 53 and can't remember a time that I didn't see that plate.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise