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Congrats to all picking up this sweet deal!  Just wanted to let everyone know that the quart and gallon bags are available at a screaming good price @ Target!  The $24 'and change' deal from QVC is not as competitive with Target; Amazon offers good deal as well tho not as good as Target.  Woman Happy

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Re: K47238 FoodSaver FreshSaver

I bought it but if I know me, I'll end up giving it to my friend.  She has a very large camper.  There are a lot of things (this is one of them) that will help her keep things fresh in her camper.


Thanks for the tip @annespan on the extra bags.

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Re: K47238 FoodSaver FreshSaver

[ Edited ]

I think one would be better to go with  a different product, i don't like those containers, do they really keep the seal? Like the size ,if you have let me know ,please.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: K47238 FoodSaver FreshSaver

@goldensrbest I will try (key word try) to remember to let you know.


If you think of it (and since it now takes at least 1 week to get what I order), try to remember to post under the "Hey Annabelle" subject.  I'll usually see it since I come on at least once a day (always in the evening for sure).


I have so many boxes of unopened stuff but I'll check this one out.  I can't tell you how many times I haven't been able to get things work, give them to my friend to keep and they work for her, so one way or another we will test it.


Take care and be safe.  Annabelle

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Re: K47238 FoodSaver FreshSaver

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@goldensrbest I will try (key word try) to remember to let you know.


If you think of it (and since it now takes at least 1 week to get what I order), try to remember to post under the "Hey Annabelle" subject.  I'll usually see it since I come on at least once a day (always in the evening for sure).


I have so many boxes of unopened stuff but I'll check this one out.  I can't tell you how many times I haven't been able to get things work, give them to my friend to keep and they work for her, so one way or another we will test it.


Take care and be safe.  Annabelle

Thank you,interested if it really works ,tried many containers,that are suppose to keep things fresh so longer,not found they are really that great.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: K47238 FoodSaver FreshSaver

@annespan wrote:

@Congrats to all picking up this sweet deal!  Just wanted to let everyone know that the quart and gallon bags are available at a screaming good price @ Target!  The $24 'and change' deal from QVC is not as competitive with Target; Amazon offers good deal as well tho not as good as Target.  Woman Happy

I do like this unit. I got mine from Amazon a couple of months ago for the same price Q is selling today. However the bags are expensive I use the quart size for the vast majority of items - mostly for cheese, lunchmeats, etc - things that I want to open and close a lot. I am on a subscription delivery for the bags at Amazon that runs a little more than 30 cents per bag. You would not want to use these for regular freezer storage where you would just toss the bag after you use it.


I have not yet tried the containers but the reviews on them are terrible - not holding the seal, hard to close and open, etc. 

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Re: K47238 FoodSaver FreshSaver

[ Edited ]

Vacuum-sealing is one of the best things ever!  I haven't looked at this item, as I already have one vac-sealer in use, and a couple of extras - or maybe one, not sure.  


I highly recommend vacuum sealing for much of food storage as it's the ONLY way to preclude the oxygen in air that causes depreciation of quality and freshness.   For dry goods and some other things, airtight containers are good but they still have air IN them.  


The vac sealer I've been using the last few years is a LEM brand and I really love it, except that it doesn't have a cutter.  But it's all stainless steel with a larger motor.   $$$ though.


I have at least one Foodsaver on deck, just in case.  Smiley Happy

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Re: K47238 FoodSaver FreshSaver

I bought a few for Christmas gifts even though I'll have to store them for 5 months. 

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Re: K47238 FoodSaver FreshSaver

@froggy wrote:

@annespan wrote:

@Congrats to all picking up this sweet deal!  Just wanted to let everyone know that the quart and gallon bags are available at a screaming good price @ Target!  The $24 'and change' deal from QVC is not as competitive with Target; Amazon offers good deal as well tho not as good as Target.  Woman Happy

I do like this unit. I got mine from Amazon a couple of months ago for the same price Q is selling today. However the bags are expensive I use the quart size for the vast majority of items - mostly for cheese, lunchmeats, etc - things that I want to open and close a lot. I am on a subscription delivery for the bags at Amazon that runs a little more than 30 cents per bag. You would not want to use these for regular freezer storage where you would just toss the bag after you use it.


I have not yet tried the containers but the reviews on them are terrible - not holding the seal, hard to close and open, etc. 

What do you use for freezing  bags?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: K47238 FoodSaver FreshSaver

@goldensrbest wrote:

@froggy wrote:

@annespan wrote:

@Congrats to all picking up this sweet deal!  Just wanted to let everyone know that the quart and gallon bags are available at a screaming good price @ Target!  The $24 'and change' deal from QVC is not as competitive with Target; Amazon offers good deal as well tho not as good as Target.  Woman Happy

I do like this unit. I got mine from Amazon a couple of months ago for the same price Q is selling today. However the bags are expensive I use the quart size for the vast majority of items - mostly for cheese, lunchmeats, etc - things that I want to open and close a lot. I am on a subscription delivery for the bags at Amazon that runs a little more than 30 cents per bag. You would not want to use these for regular freezer storage where you would just toss the bag after you use it.


I have not yet tried the containers but the reviews on them are terrible - not holding the seal, hard to close and open, etc. 

What do you use for freezing  bags?

@goldensrbest I use the regular Foodsaver that heat seals the bags.. I buy the rolls so that I can cut them to size. I don't reuse the bags I use for meat. If I use them for bread items I might use them again if they are big enough to seal again.