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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

Hi all,

I know it has been awhile but I had a miserable time trying to log in. When through so many hoops to get here. Didn't take me to the usual sign in then to Kitchen. Strange, when to my account, then I had to click at bottom for forums, then resign in again.


Made goulash for family and friends. Tooks some to three different couples. Two had health problems and one was friend that is a teacher. It was the first day of school. I added salads, deviled eggs, and dessert.


Now we have had this discussion before regard what is goulash. In my family, and the MidWest. It is hamburger cooked with onion maybe chopped green peppers and some garlic. Add diced tomatoes and some tomato juice to that mixture. Then add uncooked macaroni and cook covered on low for twenty minutes.


It is very good and filling, It makes a big bunch in a large pot, so I froze what I have left. That will go to my daughter.


When to concert in the park last night with a gal friend. It was old time music and the weather was perfect. Was relaxing and enjoyable.


Hope all is well with everyone.

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

Tonight, I made hash with the leftover corned beef, and eggs poached in extra virgin olive oil and unsalted butter to go on top.  DH ate this, I was still full from lunch so will just eat blueberries later on.

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

Mousiegirl, I am a firm believer in leftovers - just cannot go wrong.


Soushi, sooooooooooooo glad to see you back here. Goulash?? Never thought about the ingredients. My weird family just called anything they threw together Goulash. LOL. Now doesn't that just figure? YOUR recipe sounds pretty darn good to me. Glad to see you are getting out and about. Take care dear friend!!!


OK, everyone, keep eating well, still hotter than Hades here but it just does not stop some of us from cooking although I will admit I have certainly cut back this summer. Much is due to the fact I am worn out and the other side is it is too hot. what can I say?

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

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Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???


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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

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Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

Did not have that spaghetti the other night. Found some packaged chicken, pasta, peas, carrots at the grocery store and it was laced with garlic - so very good. Also had some garlic bread sticks with it. Yesterday had burritos so maybe tonight will have spaghetti. Need to fix it - easy, quick work, just the cooking the sauce that takes a bit of time - nothing hard in this.


Yesterday also was not a blazing hot day - sultry but livable. Sun was never piercing bright and hot - thank goodness - but it was a tad overcast so kept thinking that perhaps we may have some rain. Well of course not - sure would have been nice.


Eat well people - come on by and make us jealous with the great food you are cooking - always love to see what people have. And I DO love the leftover meals - way to go.

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

Actually broke down and bought ground beef (can't remember the last time I did that) and made myself a burger.  It just had to happen yesterday.  


I did make cucumber salad for the week and I have more cucumbers in storage just waiting to be sliced and seasoned so it wasn't all unhealthy.  I've been living on black bean tacos for the past few days.  


I also bought the green boxes to see if they keep my produce fresher.  The test begins with my cabbage salad this week.  

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

Morning, tonite will be pork ribs w/sauerkraut & potatoes, weather has cooled off so I've been wanting this, like that it's put together & baked, no last minute prep.  Also need to use the ground beef I thawed so will make spaghetti sauce w/meatballs, enough to put some in the freezer for quick meals to come.


Weather has been wonderful, sorry @Winifred, we're certainly getting a break from the hot/humid, 70's yesterday, maybe 80 today, windows open  YAY!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

I haven't tried green boxes - did not know they even had them. Some years back the Q had the green bags - they were absolutely worthless. What can I say. So hope the boxes work.


Fixed a roast with brussel sprouts, baby carrots and onions in it. Also had some mashed potatoes. Have enough left over for another meal - providing of course Davey stays out of it. I hope he understood my message.


Not too terribly hot today but still too hot to go outside and do anything. After school took Davey to Kohl's to get some t-shirts, pants, socks and another pair of shoes. I nailed him big time as I told him to pair the socks, fold his t shirts and put in a drawer OR hang them up. He swore he did it all. He did NONE of it and I asked him if he would prefer I return his stuff to the store. He did get in there and put them up correctly. Now tomorrow morning after he goes to school will check again - could be camouflage involved. How could anyone - even a teen - be that lazy?


Hope one and all had a super good day.