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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

@Preds  That about sums me up today.  Been up since 2:30am and the work day has just started.  I feel almost sorry for my coworkers.  Hope it's quiet and I can sneak off a bit early.


I'm about through with my cutlets so it's time to make something else.  I'm thinking pasta and broccoli.  I have a bag of vegetables I need to use up.  If I trust myself to play with fire later tonight, I think it's on tap for dinner.   



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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

Laura, what time is dinner? I will be there. Sounds good to me.


I too like your pix Preds - you ALWAYS come up with great greetings - much appreciated!


Nice morning and last night it was heavenly - two nights in a row - we got our Sou Cal nights back - hopefully for a while now. Through the many years of living here I learned to carry a jacket in the trunk of my car - it could be blazing hot during the day but once the sun started to set, you needed a coverup. Never use to run ACs at nighttime at all - that was a blessing as you sure need it during the daylight many days of the year and this summer, so far, has been the hottest I can remember on an on-going basis since I came here in 1960. We have always had hot spells but it has been HOT steady for some weeks now and in early May we had a heat attack, that is NOT normal.


Last night we had pizza rolls - just my speed but I had the two little ones ALL DAYS BY MYSELF yesterday with no break. They were angels until THEIR Grandma showed up last night to help and then Ricky went on the two year old behavior which he never does unless his Na Na shows up. Grrr! That's help?


Have a good day one and all and eat well and of course stay cool.

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

@Winifred  Pizza!  I have been craving that forever.  I might defrost my tortillas now and make that instead.  


Dinner is always right after work so I'll see you at 6pm.  Smiley Wink

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

I just now found this thread.


Sunday, I cut seven long white eggplant, Gretel, as a side for pork tenderloin and roasted new potatoes.  This eggplant is more like a zucchini.  It gets soft very quickly, though zucchini takes longer, the end result is the same, so I have to saute on higher heat, then cover, for a bit, otherwise the slices turn to mush.


 I also learned to soak the slices in salted water as they quickly turn brown, very ugly.  It has a good flavor.  I drizzled red wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, forgot the parsley, and salt and pepper over them when on the plate.  I often use a vinaigrette on purple grilled eggplant slices, with herbs, garlic, and balsamic vinegar, which I eat on either french bread or lightly toasted french bread.  DD makes paninis with it which she learned at a local deli, and adds mozzarella

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

[ Edited ]

@mousiegirl wrote:

I just now found this thread.


Sunday, I cut seven long white eggplant, Gretel, as a side for pork tenderloin and roasted new potatoes.  This eggplant is more like a zucchini.  It gets soft very quickly, though zucchini takes longer, the end result is the same, so I have to saute on higher heat, then cover, for a bit, otherwise the slices turn to mush.


 I also learned to soak the slices in salted water as they quickly turn brown, very ugly.  It has a good flavor.  I drizzled red wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, forgot the parsley, and salt and pepper over them when on the plate.  I often use a vinaigrette on purple grilled eggplant slices, with herbs, garlic, and balsamic vinegar, which I eat on either french bread or lightly toasted french bread.  DD makes paninis with it which she learned at a local deli, and adds mozzarella

Wow I don't think I'm worthy to even read this post.  You go @mousiegirl!  I'm talking pasta and steamed veggies and you're drizzling oils and herbs and french breads.  I think everyone has a new place for dinner tonight. Smiley Wink

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

@mousiegirl ... @Winifred was hiding it.  LOL  Glad you found it.  I probably messed you up when I posted the Happy August on the July thread.  I do that to say Good Morning. Smiley Happy


Okay, all this talk about pizza (and it happened at work, too ) has changed our dinner plans.  We are now having pizza!!!!!!  Yay for me .... I could eat it every other day.


@Laura14 ... I was up before that time, too and yes, that was me this morning.  I need to retire.  LOL  Maybe in a few more but it sure sounds good.


Happy eating everyone. 

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

Never too old to learn something new. I am an eggplant fanatic - LOVE it. Being born and raised in the south, like many other veggies we FRY it. I now peel it as I developed a breathing problem due to the peel, slice it dip it in batter and fry it in my trusty frying pan. I cook enough to last several days as I also love it on a sandwich - with gobs of mayo of course. OK, what can I say. Now the new thing?? Have never seen or heard of white eggplant. Huh? Someone explain please. Will catch your answer tomorrow hopefully. Good night one and all.

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

Image result for happy wednesday

Fate whispers to her, "You cannot withstand the storm." She whispers back, "I am the storm."

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Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???


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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: It's August - Whats Cooking???

[ Edited ]

@Winifred wrote:

Never too old to learn something new. I am an eggplant fanatic - LOVE it. Being born and raised in the south, like many other veggies we FRY it. I now peel it as I developed a breathing problem due to the peel, slice it dip it in batter and fry it in my trusty frying pan. I cook enough to last several days as I also love it on a sandwich - with gobs of mayo of course. OK, what can I say. Now the new thing?? Have never seen or heard of white eggplant. Huh? Someone explain please. Will catch your answer tomorrow hopefully. Good night one and all.


@Winifred  Here are the first of mine, along with a zucchini and long purple,  tons more on the vines.  You can google Gretel for info, though I described them pretty well. Smiley Happy