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It must be approaching Thanksgiving and all the goodies!

In our local store today they were handing out "Butterball" turkey coupons and samples -- the display was full of those wonderful Thanksgiving foods.  


Then, they had a "pumpkin" tasting -- from ice cream to coffee! 


Oh boy now I'm really in the mood to make a turkey (I never know why I don't make it only at Thanksgiving Smiley Sad because I love it!).



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Re: It must be approaching Thanksgiving and all the goodies!

I made a pumpkin cheesecake pie - it was delish and not too rich as regular cheesecakes (not that there is anythng wrong with that either lol)


Love seasonal items - always something special to discover

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Re: It must be approaching Thanksgiving and all the goodies!

I buy lot of turkeys at Thanksg time and cook thru the yr.

Only time in my part of Tx you even see a turkey. Always that ol' fat


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Re: It must be approaching Thanksgiving and all the goodies!



I went to my favorite spice shop this morning and bought nutmeg, cinnamon and Bell's Poultry Seasoning (the best!). I do a lot of cooking and baking during Thanksgiving and Christmas and use these spices in abundance. I decided I was not going to get caught (once again) scrambling around at the last minute only to be met with near empty grocery shelves. 

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Re: It must be approaching Thanksgiving and all the goodies!

[ Edited ]

@Diva on The Q  Thank you for the Bell's Seasoning reminder.  It is harder to find in DC stores than it was in Connecticut.  Will start the search tomorrow, hoping Harris Teeters--half a block away--has it.


I also will check the rest of my spice inventory.  Probably need to pick up more cinnamon.  Significant Other likes to cook and bake too and I know he opened a new jar of that last week for French Toast.


This time of year a lot of the stores will start be having 25% off sales on spices and extracts, too, so I'll keep my eye out for that.

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Re: It must be approaching Thanksgiving and all the goodies!

I make pumpkin muffins all year long. 

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Re: It must be approaching Thanksgiving and all the goodies!

There are certain things I love but only have once or twice a year.  Turkey and pumpkin pie wouldn't be "special" if I didn't save it as the once a year celebration.  If I made them more often Thanksgiving would not be as "special" to me.

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Re: It must be approaching Thanksgiving and all the goodies!

[ Edited ]


@In-x-s wrote:

There are certain things I love but only have once or twice a year.  Turkey and pumpkin pie wouldn't be "special" if I didn't save it as the once a year celebration.  If I made them more often Thanksgiving would not be as "special" to me.



@In-x-s:  I totally agree. I never think about roasting a turkey, eating cranberry sauce or drinking eggnog except during the holiday season.



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Re: It must be approaching Thanksgiving and all the goodies!

@Diva on The Q wrote:


@In-x-s wrote:

There are certain things I love but only have once or twice a year.  Turkey and pumpkin pie wouldn't be "special" if I didn't save it as the once a year celebration.  If I made them more often Thanksgiving would not be as "special" to me.



@In-x-s:  I totally agree. I never think about roasting a turkey, eating cranberry sauce or drinking eggnog except during the holiday season.



Exactly!!  Just like I only eat asparagas and rhubarb in early summer when they are truly in season.  Just some things are meant to be savored at certain times of the year.

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Re: It must be approaching Thanksgiving and all the goodies!

I stock up on Turkeys after the holidays when they are on sale.  Turkey is so easy to roast, nutritious, delicious low in calories. We eat them all year around.


We also buy long neck pumpkins in season and cook and purée them to freeze.  We have pumpkin in the freezer all year long and I make pies and pumpkin rolls 


I make many pumpkin rolls at once and freeze them.  My and DH and friends just ate the last one from last years batch.  I am going to make double the amount this year.


It was so easy to just thaw a pumpkin roll out for dessert during the summer months when we had friends or company and I had no time to bake.


We seldom have Turkey for Thanksgiving or Christmas.  My extended family prefers capons and seafood for Thanksgiving and Prime Rib and a whole pig cooked over a fire pit for Christmas.