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Re: Important! Pressure cooking caution

Kachina624, How do you thicken food after it's cooked ??

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Re: Important! Pressure cooking caution

per usual read and follow and understand the appliance one is using




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Re: Important! Pressure cooking caution

[ Edited ]

Thank you for the link.  Always important information to share. Much appreciated.

My Mom never used a pressure cooker, and I knew someone who used the stove top kind and one time it blew up and he got burns on his face.

I've been using an electric pressure cooker for probably 25 years and LOVE them.  I purchased the Cook's Essential oval 8Qt (on my second), which is wonderful.  With the oval shape, you can fit meats in much more easily.   I love the electric kind...   I can brown in it and also thicken my sauces, etc.  I feel there is a lot more control and safe guards with the electric ones.

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Re: Important! Pressure cooking caution

[ Edited ]

- Avoid sticking your head inside a hot oven. Uncomfortable & not according to manufacturer’s Guidelines.


- Never place hands on a hot grill - it ruins your day & your food.


- Don’t stick arm in a garbage disposal. It delays dinner when you have to call EMS -and- the plumber has to fix.


- Do not ever sharpen your cutlery. The dull edge makes it easier to pry open that jar of pickles without cutting off your fingers. 



Yes, I’m writing this tongue-in-cheek.  

All the ‘warnings’ are equivalent to the ‘don’t walk in front of a moving vehicle’ type of warnings....just common sense. Electric pressure cookers are extremely safe.  I believe the greater warning would be within the “Don’t use more than a 1/4 cup of oil, butter or fat to a pressure cooker recipe”.  Whaa?  1/4 cup fat?? Eeps.

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Re: Important! Pressure cooking caution

I answered a post about this a while back, stating I was afraid of PC's because I saw a lady that was badly burned when her exploded.  I was a young teen then and it scared the ****** out of me.  But almost all poo-pooed the idea stating at todays Pc's are much safer.  I dont trust them and never will.

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Re: Important! Pressure cooking caution

I saw this article and have no idea who this "group" who wrote it even is.  That being said I was a food safety specialist before I retired for a well known university.  If you follow manufacturers instructions, check your gasket, and make sure the lid is on properly, pressure cooking is safe.  Most pressure cooker recipes state clearly to let pressure come down naturally, or you can quick release.  Sometimes we get rushed, and don't want to wait.  One of the great things about pressure cooking is not needing a lot of fat and you can use leaner cuts of meats that come out juicy and tender.  I would take this article with a grain of salt.

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Re: Important! Pressure cooking caution

I've used pressure cookers since I was 15 and that's the oldy kind

never had a problem.

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Re: Important! Pressure cooking caution

@brandiwine wrote:

I saw this article and have no idea who this "group" who wrote it even is.  That being said I was a food safety specialist before I retired for a well known university.  If you follow manufacturers instructions, check your gasket, and make sure the lid is on properly, pressure cooking is safe.  Most pressure cooker recipes state clearly to let pressure come down naturally, or you can quick release.  Sometimes we get rushed, and don't want to wait.  One of the great things about pressure cooking is not needing a lot of fat and you can use leaner cuts of meats that come out juicy and tender.  I would take this article with a grain of salt.



 I have had my pressure cooker for almost 3 years and have not added any fat or oils to anything I have cooked using it.


of course HB eggs and beans don't usually need those 



seriously people 

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Re: Important! Pressure cooking caution

Hi Becca Lou,

Yes I still use both of mine! I use them all the time. And I would not stop using either one because I LOVE them both! And I think it is a safe method of cooking. But I came across this article just a few days ago and it really "jarred my preserves" because I had never heard a problem with the modern pressure cookers with their built-in safety features, and wanted to spread the word. I think it was through an Instant Pot group on Facebook that I saw a post with the link, and just could not believe it. 

I respect the hazards of pressure cooking (always have), and will be even more mindful of using only recipes from trusted sources. It seems that the problems have come from the common practice of sharing recipes back-and-forth, recipes designed for maybe one cooker, used in another....but I have never had a problem.


Hope this helps to put you at ease!  I would just be careful to use these things strictly according to the manufacturer' instructions.


thats me

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Re: Important! Pressure cooking caution

@Thats Me wrote:

Hi Becca Lou,

Yes I still use both of mine! I use them all the time. And I would not stop using either one because I LOVE them both! And I think it is a safe method of cooking. But I came across this article just a few days ago and it really "jarred my preserves" because I had never heard a problem with the modern pressure cookers with their built-in safety features, and wanted to spread the word. I think it was through an Instant Pot group on Facebook that I saw a post with the link, and just could not believe it. 

I respect the hazards of pressure cooking (always have), and will be even more mindful of using only recipes from trusted sources. It seems that the problems have come from the common practice of sharing recipes back-and-forth, recipes designed for maybe one cooker, used in another....but I have never had a problem.


Hope this helps to put you at ease!  I would just be careful to use these things strictly according to the manufacturer' instructions.


thats me

It says not to cook oatmeal in a pressure cooker, but I just made steel cut oats with a recipe from the Instant Pot cookbook. It turned out great.


it also says not to cover the release valve with a towel, but I've heard several people recommend it. @Thats Me


 I think it's important to be informed.😊