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@house_cat wrote:

I own three of her Walmart items - a cake stand with domed lid and two of her tablecloths. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised at the quality of her tablecloths.  I'm not going to say they have heirloom potential, but the size is generous and the fabrics launder beautifully.  I don't own any of her cookbooks, but there are a couple of her online recipes that I make often - chow mein and creamy mashed potatoes.

all her recipes are so big. The apple rolls and cinn rolls calls for like 9 cups of flour, qt of milk, and big enough for her crew and farm hands I guess.

ONly time I feed a room ful is at Thanksg and I make dozens of yeast rolls for the meal at the church. Rest of the time it's just me and him.

9 cups must be the whole 5lb bag of flour.


i loaded up on White LIly when I was up in Ind bought 10 bags ! LOL

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The chow mein recipe is not excessively big.  I make it for the three of us and it's just about right.  I only make the mashed potatoes for holidays, but they are absolutely delicious and I can make them ahead, which is a tremendous stress reducer.  I usually add in a caramelized onion or roasted garlic.  Yum!

~ house cat ~
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Those potatoes look scrumptious.  I've never thought about using cream cheese.  Thank you for the link.

Cogito ergo sum
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I tape ITKWD so I can fast forward through all the airings of the TSV that is always on his show.  What does a mattress have to do with the kitchen?

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@Jinlei - There was no airing of the TSV on today's show; in fact, the only time they even mentioned it was at the beginning and ending of ITKWD when David remarked that he'd be the host for the full-hour Serta presentation that followed the show.

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Yeah, that show is losing my interest to tell you the truth.

As long as they kept the latest gadgets I never missed it, but, it's going down the drain for me.