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How do steaks turn out in the NuWave?

The reviews have mixed opinions. Would love some other opinions.

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Re: How do steaks turn out in the NuWave?

Gee, Id was really hoping someone would come forth and give you their honest opinion of how their steaks turned out because I bit the bullet and ordered the TSV! Can't wait for it to get here. (I haven't ordered a new kitchen "toy" in a verrrry looonnng time! )

Posts: 70
Registered: ‎04-09-2010

Re: How do steaks turn out in the NuWave?

I have never made steaks in my nu wave. I do mainly pre package foods like chicken nuggets, French fries, potato skins. I have done prime rib that turns out great and a whole chicken that was good. I have never done anything from frozen. I like it because in Florida a hot oven heats up the house too much and with this there is no preheating.
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Re: How do steaks turn out in the NuWave?

Mine is on it's way !

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Re: How do steaks turn out in the NuWave?

I do not have NuWave, but I do have Cook's Essential. I normally like my steak seared in a pan, but on those rare occasions where I feel like cooking the steak in this portable oven, I cook the steak in medium heat to my desired doneness (medium rare). But in the last 2 to 3 minutes, I crank the heat up to broil to give it a nice very golden brown color. I eat with my eyes. Smiley Surprised)

ETA: to correct spellings.... too early for this Socal gal.... Smiley Surprised)

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Re: How do steaks turn out in the NuWave?

I've had a NU WAVE oven for over a year and have always had excellent results with any kind of meat. Although I must say, I have never cooked the meat from frozen.

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Re: How do steaks turn out in the NuWave?

Got mine yesterday. I really like the DVD they send with it they make it clear and pound home the points they want you to pay attention to. Unfortunately, I can't play with mine today when they were installing my sprinkler system they hit the water line, they fixed it, then, it blew at another place along the lines so I haven't had any water in the house since about 8 last nite, so, I'm trying not to P and drinking bottled water and heating up water in the microwave to brush teeth and wash face.

Such is the way my life goes..............

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Re: How do steaks turn out in the NuWave?

OK, water is back on, but, they hit the electric line leading to the garage, but, I don't go out there anyway leave that to husband to worry about.

I made a fresh chicken in the NuWave, and it was really good ! instead of 60 min. I let it go for 70 I like stuff really browned. Real happy so far with it.

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Re: How do steaks turn out in the NuWave?

Steaks turn out pretty good.We have had our nuwave for a long time.We cook whole chickens from frozen but it does take longer than we were told.Maybe an hour longer.

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Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Re: How do steaks turn out in the NuWave?

I have had mine a couple months. I did steaks on it and they were great. I did steak tid bits also and they were great. It isn't like an outside grill but they were good. I haven't tried a whole chicken as I have a problem with smaller pieces getting done. They brown up nice but inside a bit red and that spooks me.

I have gone to you tube an watched all the help and ideas using foil which has been helpful. I am a follower not a leader when it comes to creative cooking. It is large so I leave it out and keep trying to use it when I take something out.

I just watched a guy make brownies from the box so I am going to try that and see how it goes. I think the baking takes much longer.

So far I am pretty happy with it and think the more I use it the better I like it especially not heating up my kitchen and it works pretty fast. Love to get my daughter one but she has a tiny kitchen.