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Re: How Is Your Diet Different Now?


@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

My diet is significantly different from how I ate most of my life.  I don't eat sugar, grains, starchy vegetables, or legumes, and I avoid cruddy, inflammatory seed oils as much as possible.  I eat  very low carb, a moderate amount of protein, and healthy fats - fruits are limited to berries.  I usually have a serving of MCT oil daily and I use real Irish butter - no margarine or whipped up oil in this house.  I follow an intermittent fasting schedule that ranges from 20:4 - 22:2.  That means I either eat one meal daily or one meal and a little something extra within my eating window.  I always have water near me, only drink a diet pop once in a blue moon.   Between June 2019 and January 2022 I lost 150 lbs. and have been maintaining.  I'm in the best health of my adult life.


Congratulations on that amazing weight-loss achievement.  Your doctor must be so pleased and you can be proud of yourself for your self-control and determination.  I have had a lifelong struggle with obesity, so I know it took a lot of hard work for you to get to your goal.  I'm glad you are feeling so healthy now. 

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Re: How Is Your Diet Different Now?



100% change after 2008 Roux-en-Y 



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Re: How Is Your Diet Different Now?

My diet has certainly changed.  Started a weight loss journey in 2006 and by 2010 was down 100 pounds.  I have maintained that wieght loss (the first time I have done so in my adult life) by basically doing an interim fasting plan for at least the last 7 or 8 years.  Initially did an 18-6 and most recently have switched to a 22-2 with one meal a day.  I would like to lose another 25 pounds so that I am considered a "normal" weight and not "overweight". I might help me get rid of my sleep apnea mask!


My diet consists of a lot of salads, lean protein, eggs, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese, and some starches in the form of brown rice, sweet potatoes, beans, fresh fruit  and occasionally some Ezekial bread.  I drink one cup of decaf coffee with my one meal for the day, and the rest of the time just water,  No diet beverages, no alcohol, and no caffeine. And no sugar!


I got a Ninja Creami last year and I will make "ice cream" with a no sugar protein shake and have that to supplement the protein in my one meal a day.  I will have that for dessert.


This seems to be working for me.  I live alone and do not have to cook for anyone else, so it is very freeing to prepare food once a day and be done.  I brush and floss afterwards to ensure no "tastings" and then go to the gym to do the treadmill.  This plan works for me.


I guess getting older has made me more concerned about the health risks with being overweight and the food choices one can make.  I feel blessed to have dodged the type 2 diabetes bullet being so overweight for so long.  I want to live a long life to see my grandchildren grow up.  I am doing this to help insure that happens. 





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Registered: ‎07-18-2015

Re: How Is Your Diet Different Now?


Oh my, losing so much took a real focus and determination. It took me 2 years to lose just 30 lbs.

A hard but worthwhile journey for you.


Occasional Contributor
Posts: 12
Registered: ‎01-06-2024

Re: How Is Your Diet Different Now?

20 years ago, when I was 19, I read a book 'Fit for Life'. It set me on a course for healthy living! Nothing but fruit before noon,and protein and veggies or carbs and veggies....Not both.