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How Do You Items In Your Cabinets and ........ do  you write a grocery list?


In recent years, most meats have ended up grilled from when we cooked with soups, and baked meals.


Since grilling has taken over, I find items missing from the cabinets because DH grills.  I have paper easily available, and he won't put down something he just used the last of!  It's SO easy!

I'm not nabout to go through a mental checklist of every cabinet and "What's Missing?" game.  

Just put it on the durn list!


I plan dinners by the week and buy accordingly.  I do one trip, then done!

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Re: How Do You Items In Your Cabinets and ........

I use a sticky note stuck in my kitchen to note the things that I run out of during the week. If my husband sees we have run out of something he will say to me - we need (such and such) and I will say write it down or I’ll forget it. 😃

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Re: How Do You Items In Your Cabinets and ........

I use the same shopping system you do. We keep a list on the front of the fridge. As you use the last of something, put it on the list if you want me to buy it the next time I go shopping. If it's not on the list, and I don't remember to ask if anyone needs anything, too bad. If it's something I need to make a meal, much badder. The culprit usually gets sent to the store under a cloud.

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Re: How Do You Items In Your Cabinets and ........

I have a notepad with a magnet that I stick on the refrigerator.  Whe something is low I write it on. However if I don't do it right away all bets are off . 😆

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Re: How Do You Items In Your Cabinets and ........

[ Edited ]

I don't make or have a list.  I do all of the cooking and shopping and I have a good memory.


My DH is the only one who uses Half and Half for his coffee.  When he runs out, he leaves the empty carton on the counter.  Most of the time I have a fresh one in the other refrigerator in the garage.


I mostly buy everything in bulk and my panty and freezer is pretty full. We buy TP, tissues and paper towels at Costco or Sam's Club.


I once tried to keep a list...but lost the list quite a few times. I couldn't remember what was on it because I didn't think I needed to make a mental note of it...I know it doesn't make sense.


I very seldom run out of things that I use on all regular basis.  I have spares of almost everything.








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Re: How Do You Items In Your Cabinets and ........

For decades we had a running list on the fridge.  If DH or the kids finished something, they knew to add it to the list.


The last few years I use my iPhone app.  All I need to do is hold the home button down and say, "Add milk to my grocery list" and it says, "done".  DH knows to text me if he wants to add something to the list and I'll add it.  Technically, the list is shared between the two of us and he could add to it just as easily as I can, but he doesn't want to be bothered figuring it out.  


Once you make your list, you can drag and drop the items if you are a nut like me and want you list to be in order of the store.

It's very satisfying to swipe items off the list as I go up and down the aisles.

~ house cat ~
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Re: How Do You Items In Your Cabinets and ........

[ Edited ]

@house_cat wrote:

For decades we had a running list on the fridge.  If DH or the kids finished something, they knew to add it to the list.


The last few years I use my iPhone app.  All I need to do is hold the home button down and say, "Add milk to my grocery list" and it says, "done".  DH knows to text me if he wants to add something to the list and I'll add it.  Technically, the list is shared between the two of us and he could add to it just as easily as I can, but he doesn't want to be bothered figuring it out.  


Once you make your list, you can drag and drop the items if you are a nut like me and want you list to be in order of the store.

It's very satisfying to swipe items off the list as I go up and down the aisles.

@house_cat I don't think you're a nut at all.  My lists have always been in order of the store.  Why re-read the entire list over and over?

When I taught Adv Foods, if I hadn't had an organized  list, I wouldn't have ben on time for my next time.  I was buying 5 meals at a time with all spices and sauces. 

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Re: How Do You Items In Your Cabinets and ........

I usually write my list by aisle.  I shop by what's on sale.  If it's a staple, I'll buy enough for a couple weeks.  I write the list the night before I go.  It's pretty rare I run out of something.  

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Re: How Do You Items In Your Cabinets and ........

I do 95% of the cooking here, so I am usually on top of what is needed in the pantry, fridge, and freezers.   The one item that slips by me, is steak sauce.   I don’t eat it, and those who do will finish the bottle and never say a word, so unless I see the bottle in the trash, or the empty spot in the pantry, this food item slips by me pretty regular.   


I always have a grocery list near my recliner, written in order of the store aisles.   I hate grocery shopping, and go in the store determined to get out ASAP, my last trip to Kroger was $600 in 35 minutes.   

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Re: How Do You Items In Your Cabinets and ........

I buy most of my non perishables on Amazon Prime Pantry and when I run low I put them in my Amazon Cart.  Easy peasy.


My perishables are usually the same so no problems at the store.


If I need something special I write it down when I am reading the recipe and get it at the grocery.