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Posts: 37,876
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

Bread loaf pan and that is a good item. K76689

I couldn't remember if she said to spray it or not. I didn't spray it.


My loaf of bread at the first use when I turned it upside

down just fell right out of the loaf pan !  I just rinsed it out didn't put in dishwasher. No sticky residue, bread crumble, etc.





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Posts: 9,983
Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@SharkE : Enjoy your pretty red new kitchen toy.

What will you be doing for Christmas?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.🤗❤🙏

Honored Contributor
Posts: 37,876
Registered: ‎08-19-2010

You forgot my birthday the 23rd/Monday LOL

Year not available.


Go to the church service the 22nd. 

Had to miss the Thanksgiving dinner had pharyngitis

and sounded like a barking seal. Went thru Burger King for a Big Fish and the boy said "yes sir" hhhahahah


I'm turning into a man. The gal that counts on my bread every yr. will be getting a loaf Sunday. My new yr.

resolution is to go sugar free. I'm not a diabetic yet, but, don't want to be either and after a recent blood test I'm getting to close. Still in the 5 area, but, edging up and I'm not having it. 


Had to replace my Toyota van's windshield when it got a rock ping. Just cost me 50 got insurance they paid.


Just talking to my bunch up in Ind over the holiday

folks on the internet. I'm ready for some down time anyway.  After oven and refrigerator going out on me

I've had enough cash payout !

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Registered: ‎09-16-2010

@SharkE : So sorry that I forgot about your birthday. Happy Birthday!❤❤🎉🎉🎉

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Registered: ‎10-11-2017

@SharkE , enjoy your Sunday and especially your birthday on Monday. Hope it's a great day for you.

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Animated Happy Birthday Floating Balloons GIF |
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Registered: ‎11-08-2020

@SharkE , that is a great looking pan!  I was thinking it would be good for meatloaf too but that is probably sacrilegious to the bread makers!!!  Belated happy birthday.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Sugar doesn't cause diabetes but you may want to watch your carb intake.

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Registered: ‎05-15-2014

@SharkE Hope you have a happy birthday tomorrow!   Enjoy your Christmas and New Years too Smiley Happy