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On 8/23/2014 Marienkaefer2 said: Buy organic and/or from local farmers who are not GMO. Buy from a market that will not sell GMO. Everything that I buy at the market where I shop is non gmo, including things like flour and sugar. Everything is labeled I buy chicken that is free range and has been fed with non gmo feed. Bread made with non gmo flour. Pop made with non gmo sugar. Etc. There are ways to avoid it, but you're not going to avoid it in your local mainstream supermarket.

I agree but not everyone is able to buy the non-gmo products and/or not everyone is lucky enough to be close enough to a farmers market that has non-gmo produce.

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On 8/23/2014 gkelly5744 said:
On 8/23/2014 Marienkaefer2 said: Buy organic and/or from local farmers who are not GMO. Buy from a market that will not sell GMO. Everything that I buy at the market where I shop is non gmo, including things like flour and sugar. Everything is labeled I buy chicken that is free range and has been fed with non gmo feed. Bread made with non gmo flour. Pop made with non gmo sugar. Etc. There are ways to avoid it, but you're not going to avoid it in your local mainstream supermarket.

I agree but not everyone is able to buy the non-gmo products and/or not everyone is lucky enough to be close enough to a farmers market that has non-gmo produce.

It's not luck. It's research and reading and learning about food choices and searching them out. Many people ARE capable of doing that. Those that are, like you and I, should continue to do that. If those of us who can do it continue to do it, it will make a difference and perhaps force the market to respond, thereby making it accessible for people who live in food deserts. Further, I monetarily support organizations that help low income neighborhoods and schools access this food. You say you think everything should be labeled so people will now what they are buying. Big Agra doesn't want to. So, you can safely assume that EVERYTHING in your Wal Mart, Safeway, Kroger, etc supermarket is gmo, unless labeled otherwise.
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I don't care to eat GMO foods because I feel like it's eating the green bean along with the pesticide. Washing isn't going to get it off. Cooking is just going to poison the water it's steamed in. It's inbred in to my healthy vegetable. To keep the bugs and weeds away.

It may help farmers produce more fruits and vegetables, and that will help keep the price down to feed the masses.

However, I personally feel that it will eventually make the masses sicker. The hunger will be gone, but the illnesses will start.....oh.... have started.

When I was a kid, none of my siblings, cousins, friends, neighbors, or classmates were allergic to peanuts, strawberries, dairy, eggs.......the list goes on. I know so many kids now who are victims to these allergies.

Most kids only went to the nurses office if they had a fever, needed a band aid and I do remember one who had asthma and needed to use an inhaler (?). And a girl in high school was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Kids get sent to the nurses office now to take their meds every day for ADD and ADHD. Type 2 diabetes and obesity are a problem now with children.

Does our government care that so many harmful ingredients are in our foods now, including some that are allowed in processed organic foods? Not to mention what is in probably 90% of the rest of the food inventory.

These are my thoughts and I don't care to argue what I believe in. It's my dollar whether it makes sense to anyone or not.

I no longer spray pesticides on my body to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, so I don't care to eat (complimentary) pesticides in my food, thank you.

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Check out & for lots of useful info. Also

If you are eating meat that's not grass fed or organic you are eating genetically modified food since these animals are fed a gmo diet. If you are eating processed food it's highly likely you are eating genetically modified. It should be against the law IMO. When animals are given a choice of gmo or non gmo food they avoid the gmo food.

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On 8/23/2014 helping said: I'm quite familiar with GMO research. Got out of the business because of my beliefs & ethics. GMOs are only for the profits of big business. For those of you who remember how much flavor fruit & vegetables used to have, you have GMO businesses to thank for changing that. Not to mention health risks. And why would you want to grow plants where they shouldn't grow? Someone said GMO plants make animals disease resistant. Then why are farmers & ranchers pumping their animals full of hormones & antibiotics? From some of the responses here, it looks like big agribusiness is doing a good job with their propaganda and anti-information campaigns.

It is a double edged sword when you are talking about crops. You can get more flavorful veggies and fruits, but many of them can't be machine harvested or hauled, so you probably couldn't afford them if you could get them. Large scale farming allows you the affordability and the availability of our foods. So, you can eat locally and most of the country wouldn't have oranges. I'm just saying that there are lots of factors involved in producing our food. And we have cheap food considering what goes into producing and marketing it. It is a choice, and not an easy or simple answer.

And lots of propaganda does go into BOTH sides of the argument. BUT the fact is, it is all about supply and demand when you get right down to it. It is easy to eat hormone and GMO free but you will pay more, and you won't have much choice. It is a lot of the modern farming methods that allow us the variety--and the price so when you think about this issue, think about what you are willing to give up. And if you are, there is a lot out there to buy right now--you CAN eat that way if you want.

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Label GM food.

It's common sense to want to know what ingredients make up anything you are about to ingest. Let people make their own decisions. Some will eat GM food for every meal. Some will choose to eat some things that are GM, but maybe not morning, noon, and night. Others will avoid it altogether.

So what's the problem with labeling it? Again, it's just common sense.

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They told me at Trader Joe's that even if it doesn't say so on the label, ALL of the products in their store are non GMO. They were kind of insulted that I should even ask. I was a happy camper after that. Ya gotta watch anything made with cornmeal. Corn's a biggee with Monsanto.

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That doesn't make any sense. GMO foods are engineered to be pest resistant. The crops don't need pesticides.

Get your flu shot...because I didn't.
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On 8/24/2014 Taquito said:

Label GM food.

It's common sense to want to know what ingredients make up anything you are about to ingest. Let people make their own decisions. Some will eat GM food for every meal. Some will choose to eat some things that are GM, but maybe not morning, noon, and night. Others will avoid it altogether.

So what's the problem with labeling it? Again, it's just common sense.

Well remember the fight over non BGH milk labeling? Monsanto doesn't want us to be able to know the difference in that either and has been working legislatively at the state level to try and ban milk labeling saying it's BGH free.

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