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English or regular cucumbers

Which do you prefer.  I have used both and to hubby and me we like the old fashion cucumber best.  We dont think the English cucumber has much taste.

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Re: English or regular cucumbers

[ Edited ]

Between those two, I prefer the English...they tend to stay longer and be crispieer. But you have a point, I also think the regular might have more flavor.


But my favorite, and the ones I buy almost exclusively, are the small, hard, crispy pickling cukes. Sweet, crisp, and less seedy also than a regular cuke. I use them in salads all the time.

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Re: English or regular cucumbers

I prefer the English ones---the others have tough skin and bigger seeds--

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Re: English or regular cucumbers

@amyb ..............I have never used a pickling cucumber for a salad, I will try it next trip to the grocery.  Thanks for the tip.

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Re: English or regular cucumbers

The English variety tend to stay firmer in a creamy sauce, which is my favorite way to enjoy them.

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Re: English or regular cucumbers


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Re: English or regular cucumbers

Much prefer English over regular.  Far less 'seedy', more tender and hold up better when cut and added to recipes.  

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Re: English or regular cucumbers

I like them both.  The English cucumbers are not as wet.  If I make a salad ahead of time, I prefer to use them.  They don't ruin the lettuce in the salad in day or two by getting everything wet and slimy.


I fill a large container with salad about twice a week.  I use my food processor to cut up salad veggies and store in my refrigerator.  I eat salad everyday.


I only put the regular cucumbers in a salad right before I serve it.  I am growing regular cucumbers in my garden.  Also, little cucumbers, not pickles, that are good for salads and eating out of hand.


I go through a lot of them.

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Re: English or regular cucumbers


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Re: English or regular cucumbers

I'm a fan of both, as long as the regular cucumber has been pulled before it gets too big.  


Cucumbers must be picked every day when the vines are producing well, and should never be allowed to get huge enough that the outside skin is a lighter green with white, or yellow.  


I am shocked at gardeners who proudly show off a HUGE cucumber like it's a grand prize winner.  My brothers and I were in the garden twice a day pulling cucumbers in order to get them at the size our family liked for eating and pickling.