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My husband is the morning egg eater and he hasn't complained.   I was getting the straight off the farm from one of the skaters at the rink, but when she graduated and went off to college I started buying the Free Range ones like Nellies or Pete & Gerry's.  I know he commented that the shells were harder on the farm fresh ones when he started getting those and hasn't commented that the ones I get now are not as hard, so I have to assume they are.  That, in my book, is a good thing. 

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I do not eat eggs, but my mother did. She only bought Eggland's Best. (I buy Egg Beaters to use in my recipes.) She was insistent that they were the only egg worth buying.

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My eggs come directly from my farmers market.  They taste great.  The lady this morning appologized for the smaller size, said her chickens weren't laying the best, I just smiled and said I would fix 2 instead of one if I needed the extra size.  We are in 90+ heat plus 78% humidity, so I forgive our hens.  Plus they are farm raised, therefore not raised in cages.


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Guess I'll have to pay more for the Eggland ones. Pretty sure they're here in Tx.   I only like to buy half dozen. I eat maybe one a week is all but, like to keep 'em around if I take a notion to make something.


Thanks for the replies.

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I don't buy any particular brand. Whatever the supermarket offers as Large, white or brown. They are marked with some "farm" name on the styrofoam carton (sometimes offered in cardboard or plastic packing), but I guess it's from a local supplier. I don't find any difference after an experimental run of testing and tasting different dozens some time ago. So now I don't buy organic, free range, specially-fed "enriched" or any named/advertised brand. I like eggs, I eat them often or use them for cooking other things. I'm not at all picky except to be looking carefully at the Use By date and use that to consume timely.


To answer the OP's question, I haven't noticed any change in looks, smell, or taste in ordinary eggs lately. Still getting bright yellow yolks that are standing high, not flat, amid the white, with typical shell thickness. Yes, prices have risen, even for ordinary supermarket eggs, but quality seems exactly the same: tasty protein that's easy to  prepare.


Just reporting my opinion and consistent experience. 

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I wonder if your taste buds are effected by something since nobody else has noticed?  I'm not a big egg eater but every now and then I have a craving for eggs.

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Yup, Eggland's Best eggs are delicious, hard boiled and sprinkled with Kinder's Woodfired Garlic Seasoning.  Yum!

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LOL no telling ! kind of taste like lighter fluid or something LOL


ROFL next time I see a worker stocking that area I'll see if they passed

some kind of new requirement. just like this week I bought 2 new water heaters and they're a tad wider. Man, said that's because Gov. passed where they had to have more insulation in them. Thank God they still fit in my garage closet area. Gov. tells you how much water you can have in your commode, etc. LOL




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@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

I always get excellent pasture raised eggs from Aldi.  In my last dozen I had four with double yolks! 

Pasture raised are the best ....sometimes Sam's Club and Costco will have the Organic Pasture raised...

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@sann wrote:

@JeanLouiseFinch wrote:

I always get excellent pasture raised eggs from Aldi.  In my last dozen I had four with double yolks! 

Pasture raised are the best ....sometimes Sam's Club and Costco will have the Organic Pasture raised...

@sann  I wish my Costco had them, but they don't.  They only have white and brown cage free, which is a gimmicky advertising ploy and means nothing regarding the treatment of the hens or quality of the eggs.