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@coffee drinker Mark Charles was repping for Copco's egg containers before Chriss Pryme of Lock and Lock retired.


These are different as they can be used slide out drawer which i think is handy. Alas, i cant afford such extras these days and will  continue to use a carton which i have to take out of the fridge to use.


Lock and Lock isnt going anywhere in light of the ambassadors retirement.  This us not a sign. There has always been other storage brands being sold besides those.

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i have purchased great clear flat containers with lids from HOMEGOODS. i prefer having my eggs in those for protection and they just look nicer sitting in my refrigerator. they hold two dozen eggs which is essential during holidays.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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I  have been using these egg trays for over a year and love these containers.  Mine are on the top shelf of my frig, very convenient with slide out tray and safe.

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Me too......Eggs in cartons are shipped, stacked on one another, for hundreds of miles in a tractor trailer, on the wonderful interstates, unloaded on pallets with a forklift, manhandled by the store clerks who are barely interested, and placed in stacks on the store shelves...



I bet in my life (67) I can count on one and a half hands how many broken eggs I've found in cartons. The foam cartons can withstand a LOT of pressure and weight, and the old fashioned cardboard ones do the job too...


If you stack TWO cartons in your fridge, it's not even close to how they're stacked in the wire cages they are trucked in!!!


But that's the power of TeeVee shopping....making you think the tried and true is junk and you NEED a 35 dollar plastic contraption with magical drawers to store your eggs.....!!



Actually, part of the fun of watching Q is the hyper contrived presentations telling you where you can use or wear the stuff, how much better it is than stuff you've used for decades that is cheap and worked just fine.(egg cartons)...or how out of touch you are cause you're still using a corded appliance instead of being able to mix glop in a bowl while you walk from room to room at a dinner party....



Imagine walking about with cordless mixer, mixing a goopy cupcake mix for your kids school tomorrow ( a popular meme!!!) or  clumpy batter for 250 cookies,, and making a conversational point with someone you're talking too, forgetting you have that thing with the beaters spinning in your hand,, and you lift it out and spray glop all over your guest?!?!??!


One of the silliest  contrivances are those lined  shopping bags with shoulder straps that hold 150 cans of soda...who the heck can carry that around no matter what the special magic material those straps are made of?


And why would you?!?!?!?




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I saw was .....extraordinary!!!!

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I am done buying egg containers.  Those air tight containers make the eggs sweatI have on one occasion had the eggs get moldy.


I prefer the breathable cardboard containers over even the styrofoam ones.


I do like the open ended eggs dispensers though.






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I have a couple like this for my eggs in the kitchen fridge.  The lids don't seal, they just lay on top so air can get in and circulate. Spring thru the start of winter, I keep a couple dozen eggs in the house and overflow (in the original cartons) remains in the garage fridge.  During winter, i don't use the garage fridge. I shop more often and only buy what I can keep in the kitchen fridge. 


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Registered: ‎08-15-2018

@Carmie wrote:

I am done buying egg containers.  Those air tight containers make the eggs sweatI have on one occasion had the eggs get moldy.


I prefer the breathable cardboard containers over even the styrofoam ones.


I do like the open ended eggs dispensers though.






Had eggs grow mold on shells when using LnL egg container.

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@ladychas  I had mold grow on eggs I stored in LnL containers.  So now they're stored without lids in either LnL or similar to what @JeanLouiseFinch shows in her post.

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@coffee drinker 


This other egg container was available long before Chris P announced her retirement or left.