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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: 😂 Don’t Judge Me ! 😂

Oh how I LOVE angel food cake!!!  I used to make the box angel food cake, slice up fresh berries and mix them in with the whipped cream then plop it on the cake!!! YUMMY!!!!

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Registered: ‎09-11-2022

Re: 😂 Don’t Judge Me ! 😂

@QVCkitty1 wrote:

I was cutting up the strawberries for tomorrow's dessert and decided that my dinner would be strawberry shortcake. I'm really just testing to make sure the quality is good for my guests. LOL Anyway the shortcake passed the test and it was a fine dinner .🍓 For those mature enough to wait for tomorrow, Happy . Easter ! 🐰🐣🐰

Desert for dinner is a time honored tradition as is pie-for-lunch day, celebrated on 3/14.