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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Yes love sardines...any flavor, with a few crackers makes a good lunch..

Love to put them in the bottom or a bowl and pour stove hot red beet soup on top ..super yummy.. I live in the Coal Region of PA ..

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Re: Do You Like Sardines?

[ Edited ]

Love sadines in oil or any sauce. My mom & I used to eat them oft but we were the only ones in my family. Mom & I always ate the 'weird' stuff!!!!


I rarely buy them though and they are very good for us too. Just asked DH and he said he can't remember if he ever had them or not.


We'll be hitting the grocery today, I must possess some sardines now!!!!!!  Mom & I ate them on crackers or we'd make a sandwich with them.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎06-19-2010

No, never. In fact other than tuna or deep fried I won’t eat fish of any kind.

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Registered: ‎11-15-2011

Yes!  Just put one on a saltine!  Yum!

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I like them but haven't eaten any in years.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2010

Oh YES! I like them and gladly eat them.


I have a vivid memory of watching my Dad eat sardines. He was almost like a surgeon. He would carefully split the sardine apart. And then take out the "innards" and put them aside. And then carefully arrange the sardine on crackers.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2013

I ate them on the farm with my uncle as a little girl. My favorite was in mustard sauce. I vaguely remember.


There was no way my dad would have any of those things in our home. I can hear him now approx 55 years later.

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I remember eating sardines with my Dad when I was young.  We also had pickled herring with onions out of a jar.  Dad liked these things with rye bread.  I ate it all.  We ate lots of odd stuff when I was  kid.  I thought it was normal.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 31,098
Registered: ‎05-10-2010

Yes, I like sardines.  They are good for us.  A heart healthy fat and lots of protein.  I like them with olive oil too and I like to eat them with saltine crackers and thinly sliced tomatoes on the side.   Hubby doesn't like them.  Actually, I forgot about sardines.  Thanks for the reminder, I'll add them to my shopping list. 

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Registered: ‎12-28-2011

Yes I do sardine-taking-bath-260nw-758576797 - Edited.jpgWoman Very Happy