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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

Every once in a great while David will say that he ate to much and that he didn't feel well when he got home. But I still say I wish that they would quick filling those bowls so full. Once he ate from it who wants it. He usually only eats a couple fork or spoonfuls.

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

I love david.. i think he'd be so much fun to hang out with.... he's a hoot  lol

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

@cookinfreak wrote:

He has mentioned on several shows that I have watched the he didn't have lunch or dinner because he knew he would be sampling food during the show. I have also heard him say that he won't have dinner or lunch because he has had food during the presentations


I think he says things like that to hopefully cut down the online squaking about how, what, and how much he eats in front of the cameras.  


Sad that he feels any need at all to defend himself against what viewers imagine and make their so-solid determinations.  His world on TV is to sell, to insist in every way possible that the food is more than delicious, that we as viewers must try it.  And he's the best at what he does.  So he takes the onslaught and does what he can to keep it at bay, not that it helps much when the critics can't help themselves. 

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

He also says he orders Chinese food for dinner at home on Sundays after his show/dinnertime.  

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

@Daysdee wrote:

He also says he orders Chinese food for dinner at home on Sundays after his show/dinnertime.  

@Daysdee.  Yes he does. I have heard him say this a number of times. He even posts pictures on Facebook or Instagram.

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Re: David Eating During Sunday Shows!

@suzyQ3 what are the directions from Mayberry.   Don't hold dinner for me, I  am fine with leftovers.  Heart