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Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish....

Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish or baked item. 


What would you sell?

What would you call it?


I'd choose my lemon cupcakes with lemon curd filling and buttercream frosting. 

I'd call them 🍋 Pucker-Up-Cakes 🍋.


Or maybe my scones. 

I'd sell them in packages of two and call them Two a Tea :-)


Ha! Just something fun to think about it.  I'd love to hear your ideas.



~ house cat ~
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Re: Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish....


I wish I had your gift of baking and cooking. 




Valued Contributor
Posts: 645
Registered: ‎03-29-2017

Re: Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish....

my sausage bread    easy        pizza dough   roll it out take sausage out of the casing  spread some on the dough  roll up   on top brush with some oil bake till brown on top   oven 350   i also saute peppers and onions  add that to the filling   i always make lots and freeze it  i only use hot sausage    MANGA

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Re: Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish....


What would you name your product?

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Re: Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish....

@house_cat When I “cook” and that’s a big when, I use mostly my mom’s recipes so I can’t call it my own. I enjoy new recipes and reading them. 

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Re: Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish....


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Re: Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish....

baird family shortbread and yes, i could sell it.  it is a recipe that is over 300 years old and came from scotland  it was a friend's great gtreat great grandmother's  family recipe.  i have won blue ribbins at the state fair with it.  i do not share the recipe.

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Re: Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish....

Ha ha.  It would be my pasta dish in a 9x13 Temp-tations baker, with fresh summer vegetables and American cheese.  I call it "Lasagne Bourgeois".  Voila!

Cogito ergo sum
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Re: Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish....



can you post your recipes - I love lemon but I seem to be the only one


I make fruit tarts, banana cream pie which goes over well during the holidays


my recipes are not my own but from Martha, ATK, Ina etc so I would call my items


Plagiarized ala yahooey


the 'ala' makes it artisanal and I can charge a buck or two more lol

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Posts: 9,937
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Imagine you had an offer to market your signature dish....



Busy weekend, but I'll gather them up and post asap.

~ house cat ~