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Today I'm back to making my Health Bread again, it's been awhile since I broke my hip and had a partial replacement in August, and I'm just wondering if anyone here still likes to make bread from scratch?  I once owned a KA mixer, it was way too heavy for me to use for kneading the bread, so I gave it away. I bought it from my neighbor for 5 bucks at that time, thinking I would use it for kneading.  So I am much better kneading it by hand. I've had about 3 bread makers years ago too, but then again, you only make one loaf at a time, so I get 3 loaves out of my batches.  Last week I made Oatmeal bread.  Health bread takes longer but it sure is good though.  I'm thinking of starting the old sour dough breads and looking up my old recipes.

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@gloriajean sounds so good, I love Oatmeal bread and I have not had any for so many years.  Glad you are doing well after your hip replacement.  Nothing better to me than a hot slice of bread with butter.  Enjoy!!

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Of all the things I would be making from scratch, bread wouldn't even be in the top ten. 


I've made bread in the past, and it came out quite good, but you can't beat the convenience factor by just picking up a loaf at the grocery store.  So many varieties to choose from! 


I'm not a huge bread eater, but a month ago I got my first loaf of Dave's Killer Bread at the dollar store for $1.79.  The expiration date was 6 days to go.  Just wanted to try Daves.  


@gloriajean   Having said all that, I bet your kitchen smells amazing when you bake bread. 

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Thank you for your responses!! 

Dave's Killer bread was what we buy when I'm not making bread, especially after I fell and broke my hip last August.  It still hurts, but I manage to still make bread, soups etc. from scratch, and also tomato sauces, we don't buy the bottled or jars anymore. Just the salt free cans of tomato sauce and go from there! Always turns out better!!  My daughter, the Hospice Nurse, eats here a lot and she likes the homemade sauces.  My husband cooks on his Traeger grill, and he does a fantastic job! He likes to make his own sauces too for his meats.



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I bake wheat bread even though I am gluten free.  I also make dinner rolls, sticky buns, hamburger buns, monkey bread and pizza dough.


Sometimes I use my KA mixer and often I still do it by hand.  I found a recipe that is good and there is no kneading needed that I use when I feel lazy.


Store bought bread doesn't compare, but I still buy spaghetti bread from a local bakery.  It has poppy seeds, onion and cream cheese throughout and is on the sweet side.  I wish I had a recipe for that.


Enjoy making your bread. It is an art.

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I have a loaf of cheese bread in the oven right now from a recipe in the American Test Kitchen gluten free cookbook.  I have gluten and yeast/mold sensitivities so I make a lot of my own bread leavened with baking powder.  The gluten free breads in the store are average, at best, and inedible, at worst.  Brazilian cheese bread, made with tapioca flour, makes a really good pizza crust, flat bread, bread sticks and hamburger buns.

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Re: Bread baking

[ Edited ]

DH makes all our bread, rolls, hamburger buns, pizza dough etc. He uses our bread machine to make dough only. He hates the loaf shape from a machine. He uses a pullman pan with lid a lot so it's shaped like store bought bread.

He makes French bread to make French Toast & Garlic bread with. Eating a slice of BBQ chicken, bacon, onion pizza with mozzarella & white cheddar he made last night. 

He made Buttermilk last couple of time. 

He has a sourdough starter he adds a cup of to some recipes he makes. 

He makes the best cinnamon rolls but he has not made them for years. 

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American test kitchen - that cook book, at least the one I have is great. My family has gluten issues. It’s nice to make a good bread for them.
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I got into bread baking mostly during the pandemic.  I like doing the more rustic no knead yeast breads that you bake in a Dutch oven with a lid.  Love how they come out.  I've made all kinds from breakfast sweet breads with cinnamon and raisins or cranberry with orange, etc.  My son love the jalapeno cheddar bread, the caramelized onion with Italian herbs or the rosemary garlic bread .   I don't bake bread in the hot summer months because I don't like having the oven on that much, but as soon as the cooler fall and winter weather arrive, I'll be at it again.  Here are a few pictures of some of the breads, if I can post more than one image122040769_4136545203039085_4934105705063209797_n.jpg122990715_4155025637857708_8221182703766929893_n.jpg20200505_172654.jpg on here.  The one with the slices of jalapeno on top is the jalapeno cheddar bread.   

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I make all our bread from scratch.  It's a very soothing thing for me.  My granddaughter has to eat gluten free so I'm so excited to try the new gluten free bread flour from King Arthur to make her some special things.