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Next year it will be something else. Not a bandwagon I'm jumping on. I eat a ton of coconut products, I should be really healthy already. LOL

*Off The Deep End~A very short trip for some!*
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Great article. Thank you.

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Registered: ‎06-04-2011

Thank you great article............I just had a spoonful..............I will pick up some at Sam's the next time I go there.

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Coconut oil is high in saturated fat and low in mono and polyunsaturated fat.

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On 1/10/2014 magicmoodz said:

I eat a big spoonful every night before bed.

I do have a question. During summer months and even in my air-conditioned home, my Coconut Oil won't stay solid. I have to put it in the refrig -- then it gets too hard to easily spoon. So I find myself constantly shifting it from the cupboard to the refrig. Yet it is always solid on the shelf at Trader Joe's.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what should I being doing differently?

Coconut Oil Melt Point is some where around 76°. Hotter then that it will be more liquid & colder then that it will be more solid. This time of year mine is always solid & in the summer it's soft but not liquid.

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On 1/10/2014 Nightowlz said:
On 1/10/2014 magicmoodz said:

I eat a big spoonful every night before bed.

I do have a question. During summer months and even in my air-conditioned home, my Coconut Oil won't stay solid. I have to put it in the refrig -- then it gets too hard to easily spoon. So I find myself constantly shifting it from the cupboard to the refrig. Yet it is always solid on the shelf at Trader Joe's.

Does anyone else have this problem? If so, what should I being doing differently?

Coconut Oil Melt Point is some where around 76°. Hotter then that it will be more liquid & colder then that it will be more solid. This time of year mine is always solid & in the summer it's soft but not liquid.

Thank you, NightOwlz. I don't think of my house getting warmer than 76 degrees during the summer months, but on occasion it must because I often have liquid coconut oil.

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Coconut in any form is like one of those miracle foods....good for so many things....but man it's fattening!!!

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But it's a good fat - our bodies need good fats.

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I discovered it a few years ago and love it. It has a lot of amazing benefits, one of the big ones being weight loss when you replace other fats with it. Wonderful for your skin, too. A book, The Coconut Oil Miracle, by Bruce Fife is great and explains everything about it. There are some very good recipes in it, too. I make popcorn with it, and melt more to pour over the top.

Posts: 21
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

I learned that movie theaters use coconut oil to make their popcorn and have been using it for that purpose. I also give a teaspoonful to each of my little chihuauas now and then. They have the softest/silkiest coats you can imagine!