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I know I am.  Before I start a recipe I do all the prep work, chopping and dicing, measuring out all the spices and powdered goods into ramekins, have the liquid measured, etc.  


Then all the packaging gets put away and I clean up as I go.   As soon as I'm done using something it goes straight to the dishwasher.  So by the time I'm done cooking or baking there is nothing extra to clean up. 


I have an old cafeteria tray that I've used for years.  All my prep work goes onto the tray.  That way I know I have everything I need and I carry the tray next to the stove or the mixer if I'm baking. 


My sister is total opposite.  When she is done cooking there is stuff everywhere.  She laughs at me saying I'm too organized and I laugh at her and say she is too much disorganized.  LOL.


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Re: Are you an organized cook ?


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Re: Are you an organized cook ?

[ Edited ]

Always had a small galley-style kitchen with limited space to hold things or counter to work.  I have to be organized or nothing works.....lots of prep and clean up as I work!  Just like you @CoffeeNut....

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Re: Are you an organized cook ?

Yes, I was taught by a pastry chef - my grandfather.

I learned mise en place from the get-go

Doesn't mean I never mess up.

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Re: Are you an organized cook ?

I don’t cook much anymore but when I do, I’m mostly organized.



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Re: Are you an organized cook ?

Organized!   That's how I found out I didn't have any SALT in the house.  Flake salt, Flur de sel, Himalyan pink salt, even a "Salt lick" chunk. Sure, I had the large finishing salts but NO table salt to use for my baking!  I had lent it to my sis and not got the box back.  SO much easier to make sure you have everything BEFORE you start!  

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Re: Are you an organized cook ?

@CoffeeNut  For baking I'm organized or there is too much of a chance for me to make a mistake.  And I follow the recipe scrupulously.  


For cooking I'm not as disciplined--don't feel the need to measure precisely, improvise seasonings as I go along.  


do try to clear space off as I go but I do not do the real clean up until after I am completely finished, except for washing my hands as necessary if handling meat, or needing to clean a cutting board (I do have dedicated boards--two for meat, one for vegetables, but sometimes I still run out depending on how elaborate the meal I'm making is) or wiping down a surface.

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Re: Are you an organized cook ?

I cook on the fly. I never use a recipe for cooking.  I add things as go along depending on what I have on hand in the fridge or cupboards. So no, I am not an organized cook.


i do organize when I am baking from a recipe.  If not, occasionally I have left out an ingredient that was necessary.  I measure as I go along and move the bottles and canisters from left to right as I use them so I don't miss anything.


I keep my kitchen uncluttered and put things in the dishwasher as I am done with them. I try not to use too many dishes, measuring cups or utensils that will need washed as I bake.


 I use waxed paper instead of a bowl to sift my dry ingredients on.  I also bake breads and other doughs without using a bowl.  I put the flour and sugar on my granite counter top, make a well in it with my hands and add eggs, milk, butter, etc. right in the well and mix with my hands.



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Re: Are you an organized cook ?

Seriously, if I did that much prep work I'd be so exhausted that I'd leave the oven off, pour a cocktail and go watch a Hallmark movie instead. 😉


There's a reason Ina has a prep staff !

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Re: Are you an organized cook ?

Organized and efficient here!  Woman Very Happy