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Re: Anyone else not like cooking in a crockpot?

On 11/17/2014 ccassaday said:
On 11/17/2014 Sabatini2 said:

When I was a young mom, I tried to use a crockpot, but figured I must be doing something wrong, because no matter what I cooked, it all seemed to taste the same. SuzyQ3 said it best: "The flavors are not bright, fresh, or distinguishable but seem to be muddy, for lack of a better word."

However, I recently read a recipe online about making stuffing in a crockpot where you place some roasted turkey wings on top to add that turkey flavor. That piqued my interest, because we're a stuffing-inside-the-bird-family, and it seems that there's never enough stuffing to go around. My kids have suffered from Stuffing Deprivation. Someday I just might try that.

Can you tell me where I can find that recipe.

Sure! I'd probably tweak hers, as I don't put sausage in stuffing, but I found the turkey wing thing interesting...If you make it, please let me know how it turns out!

Here you go. Smile

Confessions of a Stuffing Junkie

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Re: Anyone else not like cooking in a crockpot?

I find it interesting that some describe crockpot food as dry, while others say that it's watery. {#emotions_dlg.confused1}

I've had good luck with my slow cookers. I have a wonderful candy recipe that I make for the holidays in my crockpot. The recipe is for peanut clusters and I've posted it in here several times. I tried making it on the stove once and what a mess! It's much easier to melt all the chocolates in the slow cooker and just plop spoonfuls on wax paper to harden. I also make a few tried and true regular dishes that always turn out well.

I'm usually a worry wort about fire hazards, etc., but for some reason I've never been concerned about leaving a crockpot plugged in all day. I keep it safely on a clear counter and I've never had a problem. I feel that crockpots are made for this purpose, so I just trust that everything will be okay and so far it has been.

"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James
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Re: Anyone else not like cooking in a crockpot?

I only use mine for roasts or make pulled pork

best non-watery roast you put your roast and veges in the crock pot add a packed of french onion soup and pour a bottle of Catalina salad dressing over the pork and cover and cook 8- 10 hours. Do not add water. it tastes fantastic and makes a good gravy

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Re: Anyone else not like cooking in a crockpot?

On 11/16/2014 Clover29 said:

Some meals work well in a crockpot, others not so much. I love it for a veggie sausage casserole, that I can start and then leave for the day. I wouldn't dream of making mac and cheese in a crockpot.

I actually found a great recipe from Crockin' Girls. Made it last Super Bowl for the first time and it was a real hit! I made it for 2 picnics this summer. Everyone loved it and it is good leftover and doesn't break down as mac 'n' cheese is apt to do.

Here is the recipe:

I am not usually a fan of canned soup, but don't let the one can of Campbells condensed cheese soup turn you off. Not saying this is a healthy recipe, but it is easy and good.

I usually stir it at least once halfway through (and again when done). If you wanted to stir in cooked, crumbled bacon (or top with it) when done, that's good, too. I have also turned this into cheeseburger mac 'n' cheese by stirring in cooked ground beef at the end.

Any pasta is fine. I used cavatappi.

Some of the Mac 'n' Cheese recipes said to spray the crock with Pam before adding the ingredients, so I did that, but once I didn't and it was just fine.

The recipe has a typo thing at the bottom. Should say bake 2 - 2 1/2 hours. It really is done after 2. When I have a party, I just switch it to warm when it is done and it is fine.


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Re: Anyone else not like cooking in a crockpot?

On 11/17/2014 colliegirls said:
On 11/16/2014 Fifi1 said: I'm lazy, and put in long hours at work so like the fact I can dump it all in and leave it in low. I'm doing chicken Marsala in mine today...home, but too,lazy to complete all the tasks for my traditional recipe. we shall see! I say whatever works for you, and enjoy!

Chicken Marsala???? Another recipe I want!! Please!!

Me, too, please!

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Re: Anyone else not like cooking in a crockpot?

Sorry, not me. I love the slow cooker and the new one I have doesn't cook everything to death if I am not home to watch it.
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Re: Anyone else not like cooking in a crockpot?

On 11/17/2014 Sabatini2 said:
On 11/17/2014 ccassaday said:
On 11/17/2014 Sabatini2 said:

When I was a young mom, I tried to use a crockpot, but figured I must be doing something wrong, because no matter what I cooked, it all seemed to taste the same. SuzyQ3 said it best: "The flavors are not bright, fresh, or distinguishable but seem to be muddy, for lack of a better word."

However, I recently read a recipe online about making stuffing in a crockpot where you place some roasted turkey wings on top to add that turkey flavor. That piqued my interest, because we're a stuffing-inside-the-bird-family, and it seems that there's never enough stuffing to go around. My kids have suffered from Stuffing Deprivation. Someday I just might try that.

Can you tell me where I can find that recipe.

Sure! I'd probably tweak hers, as I don't put sausage in stuffing, but I found the turkey wing thing interesting...If you make it, please let me know how it turns out!

Here you go. Smile

Confessions of a Stuffing Junkie

Thanks. I might just pick up a couple of turkey wings to do this.
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Re: Anyone else not like cooking in a crockpot?

I love crockpot cooking, just love it. An all day roast, chicken and dumplings, or a stew chockfull of veggies. Yum, just the ticket this time of year.

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Re: Anyone else not like cooking in a crockpot?

Used to........but now it's just me and Kitty, so we get chicken from the deli

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Anyone else not like cooking in a crockpot?

Crockpot food is the first cousin of Hamberhelper.