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All the Food eating is Driving me Crazy!!

This is my first post, but, i need to reach out to all of you for an opinion. Please don't anyone take offense if you disagree, just a friendly poll. If this has been discussed before, please direct me to that discussion, and i apologize for bringing it up again.

I'm a 20 yr or more customer of QVC, and i'm getting so turned off from watching the kitchen and food shows. I used to love watching them and i love cooking and baking, but the non-stop eating and drinking that goes on now is really turning me off to these shows. It was bad when David was one of the few that over did the non-stop fest, but, they're all doing it. Again, it may just be me, but are any of you feeling the same way? I know they have to do some tasting, but are they going overboard to put it politely, or do you think this is pleasing and making you purchase more by their accolades with every bite? I know i can change the channel, and i do. What do you think?

Thanks for listening.

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Re: All the Food eating is Driving me Crazy!!

It it bothers you just wait until the Juniors Cheesecake presentations on Gourmet Holiday this Wednesday! Anyway, I will be in a minority with opinions but since you asked, it doesn't bother me in the least. Yes, I think some of them overdo it at times, but it's not a turnoff for me. I guess I like to see folks enjoy their food.

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Re: All the Food eating is Driving me Crazy!!

I'm good. But normally, if I don't like something I just change the channel. Works every time!

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Re: All the Food eating is Driving me Crazy!!

I do not understand how anything done by hosts on a TV shopping channel can impact anyone so much that they have to come here and complain about it. I just don't get why anyone cares that much.

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Re: All the Food eating is Driving me Crazy!!

Well, I certainly agree with the OP. The grimacing, rolling of eyes, sloppy crunching and grabbing the food so greedily is more than annoying. Some of the hosts are worse than others (David, of course, Sharon, Dan Wheeler who is the worst of the worst), but all jump onto the food as if they hadn't eaten in a week.

And yes, off it goes, but sometimes I don't get to the remote in time.

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Re: All the Food eating is Driving me Crazy!!

I guess it doesn't really bother me, but then I know it's not all about me anyway.

Here's the formula - they will do what works and if enough people stop watching they will deduce that whatever they are doing isn't working and change it. But as long as it works, and it sells stuff, they will do it.

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Re: All the Food eating is Driving me Crazy!!

there are some psych syndromes where people can't stand the sight of other people eating. And there are many people who have eating disorders who also are disgusted by the sight of people eating. Just saying.If people eating is so upsetting to someone perhaps they need to discuss this with their therapist.

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Re: All the Food eating is Driving me Crazy!!

Here is the solution for you...turn the channel. I would never buy the overpriced food they sell on the Q so I don't watch. But it isn't compulsory to watch so don't watch it.
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Re: All the Food eating is Driving me Crazy!!

I rarely watch anymore, but just wanted to say 'welcome' to the OP.

There are many other forums to visit and I find that I have learned a lot of good information since posting here for many years.

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Re: All the Food eating is Driving me Crazy!!

I am in total agreement with Happy Housewife and Lynneuk-and no offense to the OP....but if you don't like something on tv....change the channel....these hosts do not have an easy job: we are watching television- we can't smell or taste, and their ultimate job is to sell...and I would say they bring in an element of entertainment: who is going to watch a boring, dull show? If you take offense, change the channel. Poodlepet