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Wish I could see all of Jane's dress (4pm Amer West show). Has anyone seen it full length?

I really like what I can see.  White top with black collar, black full skirt with cobalt blue band at bottom.  Is there a belt?  Is it 2 pieces?  Has anyone seen her wear it before standing up?  I'd like to find that dress.

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Re: Wish I could see all of Jane's dress (4pm Amer West show). Has anyone seen it full length?

[ Edited ]


ETA- it looks like the top is also from Alice + Olivia.


I found the skirt.  It's Alice + Olivia Nakro.

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Re: Wish I could see all of Jane's dress (4pm Amer West show). Has anyone seen it full length?

Love that skirt, is it on Q?

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Re: Wish I could see all of Jane's dress (4pm Amer West show). Has anyone seen it full length?

Thank you so much Lola for finding that!  She also had some great shoes, but could only see bits of the side.  Wish she she had stood up so we could see the dress+shoes.  She looked great.  Love that skirt especially!

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Re: Wish I could see all of Jane's dress (4pm Amer West show). Has anyone seen it full length?

I really liked Jane's outfit, too! Was also hoping I would see her standing up!  She's adorable and I love her style!  Her vivaciousness and enthusiasm are contagious ~~

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Re: Wish I could see all of Jane's dress (4pm Amer West show). Has anyone seen it full length?

I caught a glimpse of her shoes. Very nice looking high heels, a style seldom seen for sale on QVC. She has been looking very stylish lately, if I may say so.