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Reviewing: Judith Ripka J293273

What a disappointment!!! The bracelet arrived today and when I took it out of the box, I knew right away that it was not the right piece for me and upset that it was so dull. The silver seems almost dirty, like it was worn for a while and then sent back. The gemstones don't sparkle as you would expect on a $481.00 piece of jewelry. Honestly, all I can say is what a rip off!!!! I am saving my hard earned money and sending it back, wayyyyyy back!

This is now the third or fourth piece of JR I have sent back over the past couple years. I think I ned to give JR a rest. Can't say I didn't try.

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Re: Reviewing: Judith Ripka J293273

I believe her pieces are way over priced. I have never purchased any because of the prices.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Reviewing: Judith Ripka J293273

On 2/6/2015 sunshine 919 said:

I believe her pieces are way over priced. I have never purchased any because of the prices.

I agree whole heartedly!!!!

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Re: Reviewing: Judith Ripka J293273

On 2/6/2015 sunshine 919 said:

I believe her pieces are way over priced. I have never purchased any because of the prices.

I can say that for all of QVC designers.

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Posts: 12,415
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Reviewing: Judith Ripka J293273

Gigy - oh no! Are you going to return for another one? I just opened mine (got it yesterday but waited to open now that DH is out.....ha!). Anyway, based on your review I tentatively opened the package......very well wrapped. The bracelet is stunning. Shiny silver and gems. I think nowadays it's a cr*p shoot as to what one receives.
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G
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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Reviewing: Judith Ripka J293273

On 2/7/2015 MickD said: Gigy - oh no! Are you going to return for another one? I just opened mine (got it yesterday but waited to open now that DH is out.....ha!). Anyway, based on your review I tentatively opened the package......very well wrapped. The bracelet is stunning. Shiny silver and gems. I think nowadays it's a cr*p shoot as to what one receives.

MickD, I am really happy to hear that your bracelet is in perfect condition and that you love it. I wanted to love mine too, but going to send it back and just not attempt to get another one and gamble as to what the next one will be like. i also was thinking how for me, the whole scale of the bracelet is too much. I would love the same piece in a more delicate version and something I could wear daily. Enjoy your bracelet and wear it in good health.

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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Re: Reviewing: Judith Ripka J293273

gigy, thanks for your review. I"m sorry it wasn't for you.

MickD, thanks for adding your review on this thread. This piece is calling me!! And I know if you like I will also. Hopefully next visit it will be on easy pay for me!

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Posts: 12,415
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Reviewing: Judith Ripka J293273

Pepper ~ you would love this twin/sister gal....I am really being choosy about my pieces now and this one is really pretty!
Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? A nation turns its lonely eyes to you.... ~ S & G