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Repair of Imperial Gold Jewelry

Does anyone know where to go to have Imperial Gold Jewelry repaired, I have a large bracelet and ankle bracelet in need of repair?  I am happy to see the return of Imperial Gold to QVC, but will not buy another piece of jewelry from this vendor if there is no way to repair them.  I have several pieces in my jewelry box that I can not wear because they are broken, to expensive to buy if there is no way to repair them.



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Re: Repair of Imperial Gold Jewelry

I'd look for a reputable local jeweler that has a gold/silver smith and makes custom jewelry.  We have such a place in my town, and I wouldn't hesitate to take an expensive piece there for repair.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Repair of Imperial Gold Jewelry

No matter where you buy gold jewelry -  here at the Q, in a major department store, from a jewelry artist at a show, from a major jewelry shop such as Tiffany, you could need repairs. 


I don't remember what the deal is with Imperial Gold as far as warranties, but if there wasn't one, any good jeweler can make repairs.  Just be sure you get an estimate before you authorize the work.  Jewelry repair can be very expensive depending upon the materials needed and the amount of skill as well as the amount of time.

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Re: Repair of Imperial Gold Jewelry

@Jaycee141 wrote:

Does anyone know where to go to have Imperial Gold Jewelry repaired, I have a large bracelet and ankle bracelet in need of repair?  I am happy to see the return of Imperial Gold to QVC, but will not buy another piece of jewelry from this vendor if there is no way to repair them.  I have several pieces in my jewelry box that I can not wear because they are broken, to expensive to buy if there is no way to repair them.



I had a bracelet repaired at my local jewelry store. They did a beautiful job, can't remember what I paid to have it fixed but for what I paid for the bracelet, it was worth it!

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Re: Repair of Imperial Gold Jewelry

Imperial Gold was out of business for a number of years.  Is the company back under the same ownership?  Was there a bankruptcy?  I think what you really want to know is will they fix your jewelry for free?  Sadly, I think you will have to foot the bill on these pieces at a local reputable store.  A good local jeweler is a treasure for repairs even if you are not buying your purchases there.  Perhaps that's why repairs are so expensive nowdays, its hard for them to compete with TV and online prices.  They have to make money somehow. 

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Registered: ‎12-18-2017

Re: Repair of Imperial Gold Jewelry


I find it very strange that  the hosts on air do not tell us and the customer service respresentatives do not know where the "new" imperial gold is made!  I have repeatedly tried to find out  without success. Clearly there is no longer a  manufacturer's repair service available for this unique product that was once made in America.  So I agree with you and would avoid buying  new items from Linda O who sells this product on air.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Repair of Imperial Gold Jewelry

I found an independent jeweler in town that i go to for repairs.  He fixed and IG bracelet for me once at a pretty good price.  Avoid chain stores...they'll cost you a fortune and aren't nearly the quality as many independents.

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Registered: ‎01-24-2018

Re: Repair of Imperial Gold Jewelry

Hi I hope that you have got an answer as I too have several pieces in need of repair and no other Jewlery repair er will touch them. I felt that they had lifetime warranty’s but not sure.

a few tears back when I started to look for help I was told the company had closed. Now that it is back on qvc one can only hope we can get our jewlery repaired.

