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Question about restringing Mikimoto pearls

This is a question for all the pearl experts out there.  I have a necklace of her Mikimoto pearls  that I received when my Mother passed.  And, no, my sister did not want them????

I am afraid to wear them because they are in desperate need of restringing.  I usually purchase my pearls through Pearl Paradise and they do restringing.  However, my research indicates they should be sent back to Japan.  The store I contacted regarding this, Sidney Thomas, said they would send them back and then I would get a price.  To me that is reflective of signing a blank check.  I know Esmerada has knowledge but have not seen her on the boards lately.  Anyone else have experience with this?  Oh and I did get a price from two other stores.  One was 250 and PP was 50 plus shipping.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Question about restringing Mikimoto pearls

No one can tell who does your restringing. They all use the same silk and gimp/ frenchwire at the end caps.   Pearl Paradise offers this service and are professional.  You are more apt to loose your pearls in the mail sending them to Japan and to do so is ridiculous.

 I have items custom made at Pearl Paradise and trust them.


I am going there for the Annual Pearl Guide ruckus in 9 days.  The sunday event is in the vault of Pearl Paradise.  It is a treat.


You may want to call in advance and then put the name of the person you spoke to on the box.

Posts: 63
Registered: ‎05-03-2010

Re: Question about restringing Mikimoto pearls

[ Edited ]

I def. would not send them to Japan, and $ 250 seems to be high.  I took mine to a good and reputable local Jewelry Store, they told me that they have expert pearl stringers they send them too.  I took some close-up pictures and they took some pictures and counted the pearls.  I paid about $ 75 for  18 inch string including a new clasp.  I was very happy with the result.

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Question about restringing Mikimoto pearls

If you are really worried about it your could ask a local jeweler who does work in house and knows how to clean pearls correctly and uses silk and gimp.  Many send the work out and you don't want that.

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Re: Question about restringing Mikimoto pearls

My husband gave me a Mikimoto pearl necklace for Christmas the first year we were married.  ❤️ Several years later I needed to get it restrung because it got caught on something.  I located the closest Mikimoto dealer in my area and had them do it.  I wear it at least once each week and haven't had any issues.

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Re: Question about restringing Mikimoto pearls

I take my strand directly to Mikimoto and they do an excellent job. 

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Re: Question about restringing Mikimoto pearls

@Deanie wrote:

This is a question for all the pearl experts out there.  I have a necklace of her Mikimoto pearls  that I received when my Mother passed.  And, no, my sister did not want them????

I am afraid to wear them because they are in desperate need of restringing.  I usually purchase my pearls through Pearl Paradise and they do restringing.  However, my research indicates they should be sent back to Japan.  The store I contacted regarding this, Sidney Thomas, said they would send them back and then I would get a price.  To me that is reflective of signing a blank check.  I know Esmerada has knowledge but have not seen her on the boards lately.  Anyone else have experience with this?  Oh and I did get a price from two other stores.  One was 250 and PP was 50 plus shipping.

@Deanie, I'd go to the jewelry store with the best reputation in your town.

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Posts: 1,051
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Question about restringing Mikimoto pearls

[ Edited ]

Thanks to all the Pearl experts for your replies.  The consensus seems to be do not send them to Japan. I was worried.  And, good to see you are still on the boards Esmeralda. Have a good time out there for the Ruckus. And, I just got a beautiful strand from PP.  I have some more research to do.

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Posts: 3,597
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Question about restringing Mikimoto pearls

Deanie, What did you get?    Where ever you do send them, ask for double knotting with silk thread and gimp at the end caps.  PP does this as a matter of course.  


This means one long thread of silk though the eye of a needle so it's doubled.  Then when they knot, that is a double knot.

Respected Contributor
Posts: 3,597
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Re: Question about restringing Mikimoto pearls

THis is gimp/ French wire
